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  1. I think I am finally done! Finished up the base and ordered the acrylic case. Everything sanded and covered with Danish Oil. What a fun project!
  2. I finally got around to working on displaying my Longboat. I had prepared for the base and drilled 2 holes in the keel during assembly. I cut a piece of walnut and drilled matching holes in them. I used a brass rod to connect the two objects, then slid a hollow brass tube for support. Turned out pretty nice. Also got a piece of curly maple for the acrylic display base. Still need to route some channels for the case. The end is near!
  3. I was finally able to finish up the rope coils on my model and got all those glued on. I didn't like the fuzziness of some of my rope so I used some wax to clean that up and it looks a lot better. The anchor is also ready to go. I just have to finish a couple oars then i'll be completely done! It has been quite a journey. Still need to figure out the display case situation though. :[
  4. Continued to rig my ship with some addition. I am really excited being on the last page of the instructions. But I ran out of rope so I'm waiting for the new order to come in to finish up. Now just need to look for a good display case!
  5. I was able to do some more rigging today, this is definitely my favorite part. I really love working with the Syren ropes and blocks, they make everything so much easier and much more ascetically pleasing.
  6. The Syren rope came in and I re-rigged the shrouds. I am a lot happier with their appearance.
  7. Went with the claw method and started rigging the deadeyes. But there wasn't enough black rope provided in the kit so I raided my Charles Morgan kit. But now looking back, even though both kits are from Model Shipway and say they are the same diameter, they look completely different so I will be purchasing more Syren rope and re-rig this section. I also started on the backstay and made a jig to seize the blocks for it. Does anyone have suggestions regarding display cases? I am nearing the end and should probably start thinking about where to get one. Also any thoughts on how to get closer cuts on the ropes? My seizing looks like a hot mess since I don't own any cutting equipment that can get a close cut on the knots. I am just using an Xacto knife right now.
  8. @Tector Wow thank you so much! That is such high praise! I really love the details required in model ship building.
  9. Took a long break from ship building and started doing a lot of ceramics. But I really want to finish my ship since the end is near! I attached the chainplates and will be rigging them soon.
  10. The seizing took a little to get used to, especially since the rope is so tiny. But it got easier over time so the rigging is coming along. I haven't glued anything down yet and I will do that once all the running rigging is completed.
  11. So I'm nearing the end, and I still haven't used any nails. Am I missing something?
  12. Completed the boom and the gaff. Excited to be nearing the end of construction and moving into rigging!
  13. I continued by seizing the blocks. I purchased some new rigging line and blocks for this sections because the ones that came with the kit were not great quality. I am really happy with the way it looks on the mast. Then I shaped, glued and painted the bowsprit on. I am really happy with the way it looks and I will finalize and glue the mast one so I can continue.
  14. I took a hiatus after being frustrated with my power drill/lathe set up to taper the mast. I just avoided the project and came back to it recently. I ended up tapering the mast by hand which was a lot easier. Making the bands and drilling them broke 2 of my smallest bits but I was able to complete it. I , glued it onto the mast, made the ball truck and mast step, and then painted it. Now I will read up on how to seize blocks and continue on.
  15. I attempted a waterline jig then taped it up to paint. I still need to figure out how to taper the mast with the make shift lathe/drill since I don't really own power tools. It might be a while before I make more progress.
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