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About -Mike-

  • Birthday 10/03/1946

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  • Location
    Phetchabun, Thailand
  • Interests
    Old Fart interested in model shipbuilding ;)

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  1. Looking very good, nice and clean so far Andy. The thin bridging strips across the top of the first three bulkheads - I broke all of them, sometimes more than once! You are probably aware of this already but it took me quite a while to work it out, the answer to just about everything you need to know about this build is in the plans - somewhere! Sometimes you have to look at two or three different sheets to get the full picture of a specific element that you are working on but it is there.
  2. Hi Wizbang69 I actually completed this build last year and there are some pics in the gallery (uploaded feb 2018) if they help at all. I'm a long way from being a good or experienced builder and I found the Fish to be extremely challenging at times but more than worth it in the end. Good Luck and I'll drag up a chair if you don't mind. Mike
  3. My favourite rigging line is the last one! I enjoy tying down the shrouds and now I have a system that works for me I'm happy doing the ratlines. Fixed rigging, no problem but when it comes to the running rigging I'm just plain clumsy and ham fisted - drives me mad at times. Plenty of coffee breaks while I try and compose myself and go back to it! On top of that I have the very bad habit of getting somewhat impatient because I'm close to finishing. Next time I'll do better.....
  4. Hi Les I feel your pain. That's probably me stood next to you at "The Wall" ! Over 2 years on my current build and just when I'm beginning to see some light at the end of the tunnel, bang, interest just dribbles away a bit each day until you reach the point you don't go to the bench at all. I've had it once before, it does comes back - in it's own sweet time. Extremely frustrating though.
  5. Apologies to Del2 for a minor hijack here but I wanted to respond to Mark's comment. Mark, you have unwittingly made my day! About 25 years ago I built my first wood kit - Billings Etoile. Life then got in the way and it was only a few years back that I could get back into it. I wanted to have another go at the Etoile as I felt I could do a better job than originally but sadly Billings had discontinued the kit. I confess that I was unaware of either Marisstella or Dusek so I popped over to look at their websites and what do I find on the front page of Dusek's site but a ship called La Belle Poule - sister ship to Etoile That's my next build sorted - thanks, even if it was unintentional.
  6. Hi Steve I originally got mine from a gun shop in Maddington but when I later went back for more the shop was boarded up - ceased trading. I rang a couple of other gun shops but they just said "sorry out of stock don't know when we will be getting more" I eventually got more from some place over east on ebay called midwayaustralia. I've just had a quick look at their ebay store and it's not listed there anymore either so I don't know???? Sorry I can't be of more help but I'm kind of in the same boat as you now
  7. Thanks Sarah, that helps a lot but now I'm feeling really dumb I should have remembered that I'd seen that effect before....and it was your build of Harriet Lane if I'm not mistaken. Very nice build by the way.
  8. Hi Rich Thanks for stopping by. I had a quick look to see if you had a build log but didn't see one. I wouldn't mind seeing the results when your done if that's ok? No sweat if it's a hassle - just curious.
  9. Jay Thanks for the reply and you have given me even more to choose from.... Beautiful ship and build log. You do realise that I am now going to have to sit and read it all from start to finish! Cheers
  10. Cheers for that Pat. I'm one up on you, I've already got a bar fridge I only need the shed, the tools, the power and light and not forgetting the most important....I need permission. That one might be a bit tricky. As it happens I'm on the south side of Perth and DCC Concepts is not too far from here. I think I'll take a little drive down there and have a browse. You've given me some really useful info....thanks again.
  11. Hi Pat Thanks, I had a search around and found a place that sells Birchwood Casey "Brass Black" just 5 mins drive from me. Been in this place for 12 years and never knew they existed. I wonder what other little goodies are lurking close by. By the way, that is one seriously nice workshop you've got yourself. Cheers
  12. She looks really good Albuk, I hope your proud of it - I think you should be. Were you happy using CA on the sail hems in the end? Would you do it that way again? Finally, my last question - what build is next?
  13. That's a lovely looking ship Albuk. Nice and neat - good work. Much better than my first build! Looking forward to seeing the sails up.
  14. Grant Thanks for the reply mate - that looks to be exactly what I'm after, I'll give it a go. Cheers
  15. Guys Can any of our Aussie friends point me to where I can source Blacken-it in Australia please? My initial enquiries indicate that, being acid based, it cannot be shipped overseas. Is that correct or have I just been looking in the wrong places? Cheers.
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