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Valeriy V

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Everything posted by Valeriy V

  1. Thank you, Nils! I don’t have a laser cutting machine, so I ordered laser cutting. This is not an expensive operation. But I developed a drawing in vectors for laser cutting of plywood.
  2. Thank you, Yves! Unfortunately, I don't know anything about Billing Boats. But I think that this is the simplest and most reliable method for constructing a model hull. I build all the hulls of my models using this method, including the Varyag.
  3. Thanks to Lloyd's archive, good drawings of the ship's hull have been preserved. Based on these drawings, I developed a drawing of the model body and began its construction.
  4. A brief description of ss Blagoev can be found here https://skipshistorie.net/Bergen/BRG223LorentzWHansen/Tekster/BRG22319210100000 SONGA.htm
  5. SS Blagoev. Key dates from the life of the ship: - built 1921 under the name Songa , Armstrong, Whitworth & Co. Ltd, High Walker Yard, Newcastle, England - sold in 1935 to the USSR and received the name Blagoev - during the Spanish Civil War, the ship carried military supplies for the Republicans - during the last voyage from Odessa ( march 9, 1937 ) the ship was sunk by an Italian submarine LUGI SETTEMBRINI
  6. It so happened that I would have to build ss Blagoev for the customer in parallel with the destroyer.
  7. Phil, I'm glad that we understand each other! The photo shows a Cyclone-class destroyer after modernization.
  8. Ras, I always admire your tenacity! Small failures only strengthen your resolve. So I enjoy watching your progress.
  9. Yes, of course, but not in this case. In the photo, the midshipman is wearing a white jacket but not work clothes. Below I show a photo of what an officer should look like in a working uniform.
  10. Yes, judging by the shoulder straps, this is an officer of the most junior rank of midshipman. And most likely this young man is just fooling around and posing for the camera. The sailor in the background of the photo is doing real painting work.
  11. The most reliable source of information is photographs! These photographs show Cyclone-class destroyers.
  12. Phil, I saw this film as soon as it came out in theaters. Unfortunately, it is very far from the historical truth, both in terms of the film’s script and scenery. Only the names of the movie characters are true in it. The photo shows a barge that was decorated for filming.
  13. Nils, this destroyer had an ordinary steam engine. I told some details at the beginning of the previous page.
  14. My little progress in working on the destroyer model. Anchors and details of their fastening to the hull.
  15. Yes, Wefalck, there is such a reason. She is both serious and pleasant, but I will tell you about her a little later. Thank you, Nils, for your feedback! I also continue to follow your work on the cargo ship with interest.
  16. When soldering, I do not use wood. All parts are soldered from brass and on a brass frame.
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