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Valeriy V

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Everything posted by Valeriy V

  1. Hi, Nearshor! I admire your woodwork and I hope I don't disappoint you either.
  2. Thank you, Chris! This choice can be considered only half mine, and the other half belongs to the customer.
  3. Yves, the need to cover the hull of the model with fiberglass and epoxy resin of static models is the result of the experience of previous generations of ship modelers. 1) If you leave the hull unprotected, then, as a result of the effects of moisture and temperature changes on the wood, the contours of the wooden slats of the sheathing will appear through the layer of paint 2) For hardened epoxy resin, fiberglass plays the role of steel reinforcement in reinforced concrete structures. Without fiberglass, the hardened epoxy resin will gradually crack and peel off from the hull.
  4. Yes, Keith, you are right. I began my work on the cruiser's hull in parallel with the completion of work on Blagoev.
  5. Thank you, Joachim, for your heartfelt words! Thanks GrandpaPhil! Nice to hear from you!
  6. Thanks to the efforts of our forum members JCARLOSM and Tony Hunt I have a set of detailed photos of this model. I am very grateful and deeply thankful to them. Once again, thank you, friends!
  7. The Maritime Museum of Madrid has a magnificent model of the Libertad in 1:48 scale. This model is the one that can replace the detailed photographs I am missing.
  8. In total, three ships were built according to this project, but I could only find two high-quality photographs necessary for ship modelers.They allow you to see the necessary details of the ship.
  9. As a result of further improvement of the "E" type cruiser project, in 1921 Watts created the project of the Spanish cruiser "F". Its hull and power plant almost completely repeated the British prototype, but the arrangement of the mechanisms was not echelon, but linear, which allowed to give the ships a more harmonious silhouette with two wide smoke pipes, grouped in the middle part. The turbines and boilers were unified with the Churruka-class destroyers, which, in turn, were created on the basis of the British Scott-class leaders. Thus, the F-class cruisers were slightly superior in power (design - 83,000 hp) to their British E-class predecessors, being slightly faster. The armor remained virtually unchanged: the 76-mm main belt occupied about 40% of the hull length, covering only the engine and boiler rooms, with the belt thickness decreasing at the ends. The armament was significantly improved. The main caliber artillery consisted of eight 152 mm Vickers guns and was placed in five mounts located in the centerline of the ship. The two end mounts were single-gun, and the other three (both elevated and the middle) were twin. Thus, all guns could participate in a broadside. The powerful artillery was supplemented by a branched and perfect for its time fire control system, including the main command and rangefinder post and two additional posts. The anti-aircraft armament was also strengthened and included four 102 mm guns, the torpedo armament remained unchanged: four triple-tube devices, unified with the Churruka destroyers.
  10. Phil, your exacting attention to detail in the model is truly admirable! I look forward to a wonderful continuation!
  11. Gary, some of the things you do are beyond my comprehension! Especially when it comes to technologies that bring details closer to reality. Excellent continuation of excellent work!
  12. Hi Ras! I'm glad to see you back in business! These gunboats are very original in their style and I'm looking forward to watching your progress!
  13. Keith, thank you for the interesting and detailed photo reports. This is wonderful!
  14. Sasha, great job! Everything is very clean and neat. I continue to watch with great interest.
  15. Thank you Veszett Roka! Regarding the weak points, I am not ready to agree, every model has such points. In my estimation, the saturation of small details of this model is approximately 80% of the maximum possible. Therefore, there is no limit to the process of perfection!
  16. Andy, thank you for the high rating! Thank you. Tony! The cargo ships-tramps are simple, ordinary ships. I set myself the task of building an interesting model from such a simple ship. I think I succeeded.
  17. Thank you, Scrubbyj! Thank you, Daniel ! I hope that my plans will not be disrupted in any way.
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