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Valeriy V

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Everything posted by Valeriy V

  1. After that, it was time to make the propeller. The photo shows the process of assembling the parts on a soldering stand.
  2. I greet everyone and thank you for your congratulations, likes and comments. I am pleased that my small model arouses interest among grateful viewers of my process. I move on to the stage of assembling small parts on the cargo device of the steamer.
  3. I welcome everyone to the new year! Installation of cargo handling equipment for holds No. 1 and No. 2
  4. Thank you, Keith, for your congratulations! I also congratulate all forum members on the New Year holidays! And I wish everyone a good mood and success in building models!
  5. Thank you, Nils! The railings are soldered from brass wire with a diameter of 0.4 mm and coated with nickel. Holes with a diameter of 0.6 mm are drilled in the deck. Then the guard railings are put in place with cyanoacrylate glue.
  6. Thank you all for your feedback and likes. I am pleased that my viewers' interest does not fade. I continue working on the cargo winches. Before I start their final assembly, I need to check all the parts for compatibility.
  7. BRAVO! Ras, this steamship turned out much better than the previous models. And it's just great that you didn't paint some parts, this maneuver allowed you to revive your model.
  8. The cargo device of the steamship in disassembly. Without steam cargo winches, rigging equipment and the rigging itself.
  9. I continue to make details for the model of the steamship. Parts for light cargo booms.
  10. Hi, Dart! It should be explained to the rest of the forum participants that on its first voyage to Spain, the ss Blagoev carried light tanks (T-26) for the Republic on its deck. Therefore, the customer of this model plans to install these tanks on the deck of the model in the future. But it is unlikely that these tanks will be made of metal.
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