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Valeriy V

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Everything posted by Valeriy V

  1. Hello everyone! I am preparing to assemble the steam cargo winches. Taking into account the mooring winch, there should be 11 of them in total. Assembled winch foundations.
  2. Phil, thank you for your amazingly artistic story! 👌👍 Once upon a time I had to get into a severe pitching for the first time on a six-meter plywood sail shell. And it turned out that the Lord had gifted me with the ability to endure pitching without any problems. But what was happening to my crewmates was not a funny sight.
  3. Phil, very interesting! I'm waiting for the continuation. 👍👌
  4. Thank you, Gary! I have stopped working with silver for now because I don't like the subsequent patination of parts after silvering. In the photo, all the parts are nickel-plated.
  5. Thank you, Tony! I'm really glad to hear that your book project is going well! 👌👍
  6. Keith, if such people are interested in my work, I am always open to discussing details . But, I repeat, I am completely unfamiliar with this type of book and even more so I do not know how they are published and what is needed for this. I can only photograph the work process and even then not always.
  7. Andy and Keith , thanks for your trust, but I can't write books at all. I can only build models.
  8. Thanks, Andy! I use only available technologies. This interesting video shows the entire set of machines that I use when working with brass.
  9. Thank you all for your feedback and likes! I hope that the continuation will be no less interesting for all of you. The thing is that, in turn, I will not be able to make the same windlass out of plastic. I am used to metal. And if you redirect your efforts from plastic to metal, then, in the end, you will undoubtedly succeed.
  10. There are recesses there, but until I decided on the size of the chain, I did not make them too deep. Later, when I have a ready chain, I will make a slot to the required depth.
  11. Ras, your path of growth in skill makes me watch without stopping! Remarkable progress!👍
  12. This is wonderful, Keith! I continue to enjoy the cleanliness and quality of your work! 👌
  13. The preliminary assembly stage of the windlass is complete. Ahead of me is the necessary color treatment of the parts and their final assembly.
  14. Details of the manual drive mechanism, chain and brake drums with brake drive handles.
  15. Details of chain drum drives, mechanisms for connecting and disconnecting drive gears and a drum.
  16. I am glad to welcome everyone! I continue my work on the model of the cargo steamer. I made a little more than 60 parts for the windlass and now I show in the photo their test assembly together. Windlass foundation.
  17. Phil, if you haven't made a final decision on the planking option for your ship, I suggest you consider my option. I recently used it instead of diagonal planking as an experiment, and was pleasantly surprised by the result. - plywood thickness for frames - 6 mm - ash veneer thickness for side planking sheets - 1 mm Ash veneer fibers must be placed along the length of the hull, and then it will tightly fit the frame contour without internal stress. The strength of ash allows for a minimum veneer thickness of 0.8-1 mm. The hull will then be covered with a layer of fiberglass and resin. This method is not suitable for a floating model, as the hull will be heavy, but it is quite applicable for a static model.
  18. Melissa, your hands create miracles! It is possible that the pipe in your photo is the ventilation of the interior spaces, raised above the deck level to prevent it from being flooded with water.
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