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  1. I made the ladders and shot racks for the Hatches on the gun deck. Both the ladders and shot racks are made from maple. I believe I will just finish the coamings, grates and shot racks with clear lacquer the same as the decks.
  2. Hi Micha, I wouldn't do fiberglass on a static model, the only added benefit is durability from dings and such which are not a normal problem for static display.
  3. One easy way to fiberglass over wood is to do what RC aircraft builders have done. 1) Make sure is sanded to the final shape and then fill any low areas and sand until it looks perfect. 2) Cover area using Nylons (yes women's hosiery). Cut it to fit and lightly stretch until any wrinkles or loose fabric is taught and then glue using Thin CA to secure to the hull (you only need to glue at various points to hold the fabric to the hull). It will take more than one piece so you may have to overlap slightly to ensure complete coverage. 3) Mix you Fiber Glass resin (practice with a small amount at first to determine how fast it hardens to determine how much you can work with at once). Use a scrap piece of card to apply resin onto fabric, work it into the fabric to ensure that all air bubbles/pockets are worked out and the fabric is laying flat against the wood and get surface as smooth as possible. Let resin set up. 4) Add a second coat of resin over the dried first coat and allow to fully cure. 5) Sand the resin being careful not sand through t nylons, this will show areas where the resin maybe low and require additional coats of resin. If you sand into the nylon you will need to recoat that area with resin. 6) Once you get a decent smooth surface you can fill any small pinholes or imperfections with an Auto body Glazing Putty and sand them smooth.
  4. I cut out the wall leading from Captains Aft Cabin to the Starboard Stateroom and test fitted the door, everything appears to align well. and then I checked the fitment in the ship, not too bad nothing a little tweaking with a file wont fix! I plan on experimenting with doing raised panels vs recessed panels on the CNC just to compare.
  5. Playing some more with the CNC I have cut a Cabin door out of 1/32 plywood. I am really liking this desk top CNC!
  6. You don't have to wonder, the materials included in this kit are horrible, good thing I have a lot of maple, walnut and other woods in the garage and a way to cut them. But, the box it came in is really useful for holding all the scraps!
  7. I pulled the trigger and got a desk top CNC the other week. After setting it up and researching how to use it and what software for creating the files, I have finally produced something somewhat acceptable.... Although I need to rework it with a slight arch to fit the stern and figure out why there's not a hole in the A.....
  8. So I have made a bit more progress since my last post Completed the Breast Hook for the Spar deck... Started the Beams in the Aft to located the walls in the Captains Cabin... and finally was able to complete the lower planking on the Quarter Galleries... and lastly I completed the planking on the Stern and fitted the Stern windows. All in all, I think it turned out pretty good so far.
  9. Good Morning, I've done some work on the Gun Deck Framing, determining the Beam locations and Carling locations for the Bowsprit and Foremast openings. Next will be to make the Spar deck hook, lodging knees and half beams.
  10. Okay, so I have cut the Fore and Aft Bits on the gun deck and mocked them up with the first 3 Spar deck Beams (as depicted on the Lines of the frigate Constellation in Chapelle's book) to determine the final location on the Gun Deck. I need to turn a 3/8" rod for the Bowsprit so that I can determine the size and location and how to attach the Bowsprit step so I can finally determine the width and final location of the Fore Bits.
  11. Hello, I completed building the last 2. So now the ship has 7 windows across the Stern! I have them mostly fitted but still need to finish cleaning them up and painting them, and do some work on the Stern and Quarter Galleries before I can install them for good.
  12. In my usual manner of jumping around all over the place, I started the Stern windows. After hours of cutting at least 3 times as many pieces as needed, I have completed 5 of the 7 windows for the Aft Cabin and Staterooms.
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