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Everything posted by David56

  1. Bob i did not have that problem. I had just enough of the 3mm x .5mm wood to do the planking
  2. Daliab. Can you give me the website you went to for the downloading of the english instructions
  3. Daliab for the planking of the decks I had just enough to finish the planking. I to thought i did not have enough. For the manual yes i am using the one that came with the kit. Tonight i will look on the website and see if can find it currently i have finished the first planking. So now i am sanding the hull to prepare it for the second planking
  4. Peter thanks fir the comments. As for your questions the model manufacture is Panart. I did look at other manufactures I did purchase the full kit from DeAgostini but returned it when i ordered it they told me all packs were in stock but when it arrived i was missing a couple of packs. When i called customer service they told me was on back order. several months later they finally told me it would be at least February before i would get missing items. They are having inventory issues. So i returned it and bought this one. The material for my Victory is great but the instructions are not very good. But you get 8 large pages of drawings that are easy to follow. They are very vague so you need to look ahead and use your experience in building other models. The first planking is lime wood and is very easy to work with. 6 mm wide 1.5 thick. The second planking is walnut. 6mm wide and 1mm thick Other then the instructions i am very pleased with my Victory kit Dave
  5. Finally getting a little time to work on my Victory. I have finished the 1st planking and now off to sand it smooth. Then i can start on the 2nd planking of walnut planks. I examined the walnut planks and all look good. There are a couple that are not in great shape but can cut the bad part of them off and can use the rest.
  6. Hi. The Vanguard will be my next build as soon as i finish my Victory. Will be watching your build to see how it goes before I start mine
  7. Ship looks great. Question for you. When you painted galley did you have to remove any of the black paint or coating on yours and if so how did you do it. Mine is covered with a black coating and other paints do not show through. If i rub the black with my finger it smudges. Any advice will be appreciated
  8. Hi all. Sorry i have not posted in a while but have been working a-lot of hours at work. Have only been able to work on my Victory a couple hours a week. Hopefully that will change soon. I am still working on the first planking. It is going slow. Had to remove and replace a few planks because they did not look right to me. Even though they will be covered by second planking i thought it better to remove and replace them. I have attached a couple pictures showing my progress. Hope to get more done in coming weeks
  9. Hi all. i am looking for some help. i am looking at the copper tiles of my Victory. I am making the Parant 1/78 scale. I have been looking at pictures of others when they did the copper tiles. but what i am have a question about is how many roxs of copper tiles go on each side, the instructions are not very good. they say draw a waterline but does not say how high the line is. I do not want to go to high where i do not have enough tiles or to low and have it not look right. my tiles are .5mm wide. any suggestions will be more than welcome.
  10. Thanks fir the advice. After looking at the decks. It will look better with the walnut strips
  11. Question on the decking. The decks on this kit have the planking etched in the wood just like it would have beed done if i put deck planks on. Should i just color the space between planks with a pencil to show chalking or would it be better to plank the decks. The kit came with strips 3mm by .5 mm That is the same size as the etching in the decks are. The instruction book and plans do not say what the strips are used for. Any help would be appreciated
  12. Thinking of the Sovereign of the Seas as my next build. Will be watching your build to see it that will be my next build
  13. hi everyone. work has been really crazy the last week. the company I work for was sold to another company so a lot of changes going on and long hours to get them completed. i have completed the upper planking and have started working on the lower planking. things are going slow but moving along. i hope to get back to work on my Victory very soon and will post pictures of my progress once iI can get back to work on it.
  14. Did not get as much of the planking done as i wanted but finished the top section on one side. Hopefully tonight i can continue on the top section on the other side. Slow going but I think it is coming along Pretty good. Here are a couple of pictures showing the planking so far
  15. Hi everyone. I am still working on the planking of the Victory, things are going slow but for a good reason. My wife and I are watching our 1 year old grandson this weekend. Not sure how much time i will get to work on my project. I will post more pictures as I get more of the planking completed hopefully next week
  16. as always any comments or suggestions are welcome. This is the first ship I am building that has copper tiles. installing them should be fun
  17. Hi all. Was planning to work on my Victory this weekend but a few things came up so could not get as much done as i hoped. I finish installing the decks and started the planking. It is slow going as I want to get it right the first time. The picture shows where I am on the planking. A few done and a lot more to go
  18. I am building the Panart HMS Victory and this is the fist ship I am building that has a copper hull. I am looked online and watched videos, looked and pictures and read forums. I have a couple of questions first draw the waterline, then i have seen one or two rows of tiles attached parallel to the water line (started in the middle of the ship), then start attaching tile from the keel starting at the stern and work way up to the 2 rows already installed I have also seen where you just start at the keel by the stern and work your way up to the waterline and the last row of tiles is cut on an angle Which way is correct?? sorry for the confusion in my questions
  19. This is where i am now. I have finished installing the dummy canon supports and painted them black
  20. thank you for the instructions
  21. sorry for the silly question but i am new to build logs. what is the easiest way to upload pictures and isther ea certain size they must be
  22. welcome to my log. the Victory is my 3rd ship but this is my first build log, so please bear with me while i get the hang of it🙂 So far I have completed the frames to the false keel and have started to install the dummy cannon planks, I am taking my time with this build because the instructions are something to be desired.
  23. hi my name is Dave. just joined and wanted to say hi. my current build is the HMS Victory from Manuta/Panart 1-78 scale
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