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Duncan C

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  1. Thanks to everyone for such a warm welcome. My model of the Jolly Boat continues to challenge me, but it is coming together. Filled with flaws it will still look good to someone less observant or critical. I may do a second one just to satisfy myself that I have learned something in the process. I did discover a nifty way to thread those tiny three holed dead eyes. After drilling them as suggested I used a touch of very thin cyanoacrylate on the end of the thread and trimmed the end off with an Xacto blade. That formed a nice stuff 'needle' that passed through the tiny holes quite easily. Bee's wax might have done as well. Too I found hemostats to be an invaluable part of a ship modeler's rigging tool kit along with a very generous collection of tiny clamps for planking. It is certainly a fun and satisfying endeavor, and it is heartening to know there are so many others who enjoy these interesting challenges and are willing to share their hard earned knowledge. At one point in desperation while planking I thought 'Oh hell! I might just as well build a full sized boat. It might be easier.' Interesting article on traditional rigging using dead eyes: http://www.woodenboatfittings.com.au/articles/setting-up-shrouds.pdf As an aside, in September (I forget the actual date) there is a yearly international 'Talk like a pirate' day. Who'd have thought. Best regards to all you hearty plankers, Duncan
  2. Well I am down stream of my brother and his habit of losing interest in things. The recent consequence was aquiring a pristine Latina HMS Bounty Jolly boat kit along with remants of another minus the frame. Having no experience other than plastic Revell models during childhood (I'm now 73 I think) how was I to know how much was involved. Clearly it is not a beginner's model. Nonetheless not knowing what I was getting into I forged ahead using the painfully sparse directions. The model stands now with some serious flaws largely due to my failure to properly shape the frame members close to the decking. Planking using itsy bitsy nails was impossible so I resorted to soaking them in boiling water and forming them over whatever cookware seemed to have the closest tighter curvature and let them dry. Gluing followed. Once finished it will be a treasured if imperfect gift for my son. I am left awestruck by the masterwork of others who have shared photographs of their work on this site. Some of the vessels are frankly hard to even imagine building from scratch. To me even forming up decent looking oars is quite a challenge particularly when trying to get them to match. Anyway it is reasuring that there is such a wealth of experience, talent, and knowledge available to those of us just beginning to build model vessels. It is a remarkably interesting and challenging endeavor. Best regards, Duncan Coolidge
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