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    jaerschen reacted to Jeronimo in LE BONHOMME RICHARD by Jeronimo - FINISHED   
    Hello friends,
    thank for the kind comments and likes.
    T e i l   4 7
    The upper deck armament is made up of 12-pdrs canons.

  2. Like
    jaerschen reacted to Ray in HMS Diana 1794 by Ray - FINISHED - Caldercraft - A 38 gun Heavy Frigate   
    The Diana figure head has now been painted and in place but not permently fixed, and the fore deck guns have had the rigging started.
    The bow pin rail has also been added although this was remade as the one with the kit could not have the holes opened out to allow the pins to fit.
    Bow pin rail


    Both bow chaser options

    ready to be rigged

    rigging started

  3. Like
    jaerschen reacted to Mirabell61 in HMS Pegasus 1776 by Mirabell61 - FINISHED - scale 1:64 - 16-gun sloop   
    Today the Access ladder to the forecastle deck is fitted for Position check
    I know this may not be historicly wise correct, but I just could`nt mount those Little "pigeon-ladders" the way the plan shows. Leaving awy the forecastle bulkhead anyhow, the underneath area would be open, and the captain claimed a propper stair there after slipping off the foreseen ladder of the plan several times
    The ladder now neatly fits in between the first and the second starboard gun, without hindering the tackles there



  4. Like
    jaerschen reacted to ziled68 in H.M.S. Triton 1:48 scale cross section - FINISHED   
    Greetings to all,
    No spiders Buddy unless you mean me going at it like a Spider-Monkey on a banana. Actually, Woody and I are tag teaming the heck out of the ratlines.
    I have to keep you on your toes Buddy now that you’ve literally brought out the “Big Guns”. LOL. Joking aside, from the very beginning of this build I had planned on making a cross section with mast and sails but I like the aspect of her without the sails. What do you think?
    To All,
    Now that I’ve completed all the shrouds (to include all of the ratlines) I turned my attention to the main yard. I first added the stirrups ensuring that they were ¾” from the spar and proceeded to add the footropes. As I was looking at the spar with footropes, I placed it upon the mast and visualized how it would be held in place via blocks and secured to the belaying pin when it finally slapped me in the face. I had the belaying pin rack but it was not drilled to accommodate the belaying pins. So I had a quick Pow-Wow with Woody and he suggested I use a drill bit on an Xacto and carefully twist the new hand powered drill until all the holes were made for the belaying pins. It worked like charm. I then worked on the triple blocks that are attached to the hooks on the head just above the top but below the cap. I then added the double blocks to the spar and also added the truss pendants. The following pictures will show you how she looks thus far.

  5. Like
    jaerschen reacted to ziled68 in H.M.S. Triton 1:48 scale cross section - FINISHED   
    Greetings to all,
    During this Memorial Day weekend I’ve been working on my Triton and enjoying the heck out of it. This past Friday I finally received the blocks and deadeyes I’d ordered and decided to tackle the dead eyes. I have successfully added the deadeyes and installed the main mast shrouds with ratlines tying clove hitches every 5/16” to represent 15” in height. Upon completing the main shrouds I went ahead and installed the top shrouds with the exception of tying the ratlines due to the fact that my butt was starting to hurt from all the sitting. After I rest awhile, I’ll tackle the top shroud ratlines followed by the topgallant shrouds. The following photos will show you what I have thus far.

  6. Like
    jaerschen reacted to ziled68 in H.M.S. Triton 1:48 scale cross section - FINISHED   
    Greetings to all,
    Thanks for your comment about liking the way My Triton is coming along. Hopefully soon I’ll be on the sidelines admiring your Triton.
    I really appreciate your words. Out of everyone that has “Liked” and/or made comments on my forum, you are by far the most motivated person who actually looks forward to my updates. Once again, thank you.
    I totally agree with you in that the mast and spars have significantly changed my Triton’s overall appearance. With the base I’ve made for her today, she stands at 29” high (736.6 mm). As for Woody, what can I say other than he wants to take our act out on the road. LOL.
    To All,
    While I was waiting for my deadeyes and blocks to arrive, I decided to finish the main topgallant yard which I was avoiding due to the fact that the components were much too small for my hands. Happily I can say that I was able to complete it. I also went ahead and painted the trestle trees and top plus the yards (with the exception of the stuns’l yards) black to give my Triton more personality. The following photos will show you how she looks.

  7. Like
    jaerschen reacted to ziled68 in H.M.S. Triton 1:48 scale cross section - FINISHED   
    Greetings to all,
    Many thanks to everyone who’s looked in on my build and have given me inspiration to constantly push myself into this great hobby.
    Here’s a quick update on my Triton in order to keep everyone abreast on what is going on in my neck of the woods. When last I posted, I had incorporated the lower main mast with trestle tree and top. I have since then added the following items and I’ll tell you that this beast is getting quite large. I’ve added the top and topgallant mast along with its trestle tree; the main, topsail, and topgallant yards; and I’ve also incorporated the stud sail booms for each yard. I’ve lashed the main and topsail yards temporarily to the mast until the blocks and deadeyes I’ve ordered come in. Once they arrive I’ll start permanently lashing and securing items to its perspective area.

  8. Like
    jaerschen got a reaction from ziled68 in H.M.S. Triton 1:48 scale cross section - FINISHED   
    It's looking fantastic Ray, very clean work
  9. Like
    jaerschen reacted to Jim Lad in Francis Pritt by Jim Lad - FINISHED - Scale 1:48 - Australian Mission Ship   
    Well, it's been a lonnnnnnnnnnng time since I've posted an update.  This is partly due to the fact that not a lot of progress has been made, partly because I've missed a couple of days at the museum and also partly due to the fact that I keep forgetting to take my camera with me when I go in to the museum!
    A few more frames have been raised and hopefully the framing will go a little more quickly from now on.  I'm finally at the stage where the remainder of the frames are rough cut, so while I'm waiting for glue to dry on one frame I can be finishing the next one ready for fitting.
    A couple of frames are going to need adjustment at the fairing stage as, for some unknown reason they're slightly too long - but too long is easy to cut down at the final fairing stage.




  10. Like
    jaerschen reacted to Mirabell61 in HMS Pegasus 1776 by Mirabell61 - FINISHED - scale 1:64 - 16-gun sloop   
    Setting the tiller for steering either for Manual direct, or for steering with tackle rope and wheel. In raw shaped condition, Needs to be fine tuned...

    here the tiller parts

    tiller mounted to the Fitting socket

    tiller upwards curve for Manual steering

    or in downwards mode for rope steering (via blocks and wheel)
  11. Like
    jaerschen reacted to Mirabell61 in HMS Pegasus 1776 by Mirabell61 - FINISHED - scale 1:64 - 16-gun sloop   
    Build log part 34
    concentrating on the Quarterdeck

    the deckbeams arecready to take on the deck

    the uncolored figure is 25 mm hight...

    the painted figure is 28mm hight

    the cutaway of the Quarterdeck allows sight to the inside

    gratings, capstan, Skylight housing and deckframe for ladder added


    Build log part 35 to follow...
  12. Like
    jaerschen reacted to Mirabell61 in HMS Pegasus 1776 by Mirabell61 - FINISHED - scale 1:64 - 16-gun sloop   
    Who knows ?
    here rises the question...
    the downleading stairway (not shown here yet) from the Quarterdeck will be landing between capstan and the next downward starcase, interferes full with the gundeck capstan, if it should be operated with 360 ° turn.
    does the Quarterdeck stair have to be fitted moveable with hinges, for instance to be hauled up against the Quarterdeck from beneath, to allow full capstan operation ?


    The downward stairs from the Quarterdeck interferes full with the capstan Operation....
  13. Like
    jaerschen reacted to tlevine in HMS Atalanta 1775 by tlevine - FINISHED - 1:48 scale - from TFFM plans   
    Not much to show for last weekend's work.  The garden has taken over most of my free time.  I have completed the upper deck hatches and ladderway.  The head ledges are bolted to the deck and the coamings are treenailed.  Even though I used a light colored wood for the treenails (bamboo) they are barely visible.  The nails securing the grating battens to the ledges were made by making a dimple with the point of a compass and then highlighting it with pencil. I scribed the main hatch cover to simulate a three piece cover.Openings have been cut into the aft hatch cover to accommodate the main jeer bitt pin. This will not be installed until I am ready to work on the quarter deck beams to prevent damage.



  14. Like
    jaerschen reacted to archjofo in La Créole 1827 by archjofo - Scale 1/48 - French corvette   
    thanks for the nice comments.
    The next pictures show the preparation of the hammock cranes and other details:







  15. Like
    jaerschen reacted to ziled68 in H.M.S. Triton 1:48 scale cross section - FINISHED   
    Greetings to all,
    Since I started on the main mast, I had to go about making the trestle trees and top for the mast. The trestle tree wasn’t really rocket science but the top was a different matter due to the fact that I had to make rabbet joints where the boards met. I’ve already mentioned that I have huge mitts for certain aspects of the build that makes me feel like I’m all thumbs and I don’t have a Byrnes table saw that most people already have. So what I did was cut 1/32” basswood down to size and overlapped the corners of the top. Once dry, I came back and added more strips to fill in the gaps between the overlaps. Upon completion of the top I gave it its shape, added the battens and ring, and finally added the top’s rail. I must point out that on the mast itself; I’ve also added wooldings on every other painter’s tape simulated iron hoop. The following photos will show how my Triton is coming along.

  16. Like
    jaerschen reacted to ziled68 in H.M.S. Triton 1:48 scale cross section - FINISHED   
    Greetings to all,
    Well it’s that time to get started on the mast and spar for my Triton. I went ahead and made and installed the bibbs for the mast followed by iron loops that were simulated with painter’s tape that was blackened with a sharpie and cut into 1/16 inch strips. After the loops were completed, I made and added the hounds followed by more iron hoops. I finished the mast by adding the rubbing paunch and finished that off with simulated treenails.

  17. Like
    jaerschen reacted to Matrim in Triton cross-section by Matrim - FINISHED   
    Don't have a lot from the old log but I did get some of the completed shots on my mobile which are shown below. The quality wont be as good as the originals either.








  18. Like
    jaerschen reacted to Ray in HMS Diana 1794 by Ray - FINISHED - Caldercraft - A 38 gun Heavy Frigate   
    The barricade has now been painted black and I think looks better for it, the ships wheel has also be painted and made up, and the rail on the great cabin roof has been fixed on.
    Black barricade

    Ships wheel

    Cabin roof rail

  19. Like
    jaerschen reacted to Mirabell61 in HMS Pegasus 1776 by Mirabell61 - FINISHED - scale 1:64 - 16-gun sloop   
    Build log part 33

    here the Messenger cable (dummy Black) goes round the front Posts in the bow



    continuing with the functional gunport lids, here the last one on starboard

  20. Like
    jaerschen reacted to Mirabell61 in HMS Pegasus 1776 by Mirabell61 - FINISHED - scale 1:64 - 16-gun sloop   
    the first of the four gunport doors is attached, functional with hinges

    I let the Pivot rod go through both hinges, this gives more stability to the function, although I was intending to cutawy the rod in the middle space

    here open...
    In one of Danny`s last Posts (Vulture 1:48) he mentioned the scuppers for the Manager pit. I had not been Aware that there had to be some although it`s quite Logical to catch the dirt and mud on the anchor cable behind the hawse hole, and for rinsing reasons.
    I set the brass tube scuppers in about 5 degree declining downward from Managing pit (deck) to the upper Portion of the wale, above that Little decor
  21. Like
    jaerschen reacted to Mirabell61 in HMS Pegasus 1776 by Mirabell61 - FINISHED - scale 1:64 - 16-gun sloop   
    Build log part 32
    Today I started a Little bit on the anchor System, fitted two rollers under the forecastle deck, to return the Messenger cable without much friction (will Show later on when the cables get rigged)

    I am planing for the anchor cables to go right down through the gundeck main hatch, and to the cargo floor, to be coiled and tied on top of the cargo Barrels. There is not much hight left but I think it will do for several rounds of coiled (tied) cable


    this is the smaller anchor behind the main one,

    in the foreground the larger anchor (6 raps around the stick)


    the gundeck capstan with 2 stopper clinks, (simple Version)

    the foreward riding bitts
    Build log part 33 to follow....
  22. Like
    jaerschen reacted to kellrandy in Triton (1:48) by kellrandy (Randall)   
    Hey everyone.  A few progress pics... hawse frame construction. The test went well (except for 5 & 6) and the real thing came out as good as I could hope for. Still need some minor adjustment on the angles to attach them to the W frame and fair them, but I think they came out well. Still working out how I want to do 5 & 6. I attempted to do them along with the others, but that didn't turn out too well on my practice run. May wait to install them after I attach the others. Please let me know if any of you notice anything I might have missed.  Have a good one!

  23. Like
    jaerschen got a reaction from Mirabell61 in HMS Pegasus 1776 by Mirabell61 - FINISHED - scale 1:64 - 16-gun sloop   
    Hi Nils
    Very nice work at the stove
  24. Like
    jaerschen reacted to Mirabell61 in HMS Pegasus 1776 by Mirabell61 - FINISHED - scale 1:64 - 16-gun sloop   
    Galley stove , continued....

    painted, cooking side

    spit roast side

    brass parts fitted



    stove heaved into ist place

    view through portside gunport

    Oh, oh, there is not going to be much place for the cook....
    Build log part 32 to follow...
  25. Like
    jaerschen reacted to dewalt57 in H.M.S. Triton (Cross Section) 1:18 Scale, started by AL   
    This is how the first cannon is looking so far!!  The cannon barrel  is not glued in, just laid in place to check fit. Still need to stain the carriage wood like I did the wheels.





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