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Everything posted by Mirabell61

  1. Build log part 11 fixed a spring loaded steering chord strummer, adjustable spanning device the steering (tin galvanized steel chords) come down from aft the highdeck and are guided over the aft welldeck, through the first two Bulkheads of the poopdeck, to where the spring is attached in the Center keel "spine" (in Picture starbord of the spring) the 8,5mm hole-notch for taking up the 3rd mast safely, can be seen the steering device leads into the highdeck wheelhouse in covered square protections and is guided on along the aft welldeck These are the two Long vents, they are still removeable and swivilable like all vents somehow the Pamir Needs to steer, so here Comes the Balance type rudderblade a Little riveting to it..... and here now starts the riveting and plating of the hull more to that in the next log part for those of you who had already watched the plating of my steamship "Heinrich Kayser" one would say.... as usual.. Build part 12 to follow.... Nils
  2. Thank you Bugra These few metal parts are really not complicated at all, but I`m glad you like them Nils
  3. Build log part 10 Holding rails and some portholes, deck and rim mounted to deckhouse bunch of vents in all Versions and sizes made some portholes on my own (just learn by doing) Fixing doors and deck reinforckment brackets Access ladder this and the next two pics should have come earlier....(nobody is perfect) doors and under deck vents in forecastle area strong eyelets on portside to take on the shrouds and backstays tensile forces Build log part 11 to follow Nils
  4. Build log part 9 now the Fitting out is slowly moving on the deckhouses had to be metal plated and painted, portholes drilled, etc, allready because they are fastend to the well-decks from below, before the decks had been permanently attached. There is hardly Access to the deckhouses any more in that position I trust not a gram of filler is necessary on the entire single layer planking, shall be nice smooth base for the metal plating the deckhouses have rims for their own wooden small decks, and for supporting soldering on of the boat supports later on The ventpost tubes for mounting the cargo derricks to become each an Access lader Fitting in the stairs here one can already imagine to what a fiddeling it shall turn out later on when belaying the mast-pinracks ( and the complete functional running rigging corresponds to the original ships rigging) the Position of the catwalk supports must be carefully Chosen in order not to interfere with the later to be placed steering wire chords that run between These Supports and along the 2 aft welldeck Hatch rims and along the aft deck housing the sleeves for the venttubes allow easy upwards removal for the ventposts for not desturbing during the build self explaining.... Build log part 10 to follow.... Nils
  5. David, because I needed some supports that would withstand some Little bumps and touchings without breaking during the build, I found the solution shown in my log part 8 and here.. The Little bent to shape brass Strip on top is self explaining (fit to suit) the brass square tube is 3.0 x 3.0 mm, wallthickness 0.25mm the brass round tube is 2.5 dia with wallthickness 0.3mm, leaving an nominal opening centerhole of 1.9 mm, just enough for putting through a philips head screw with M 1.6 thread. the screwhead has to be reduced a bit in Diameter, so that it does not hinder the squaretube to be slipped on in tight fit. The screw Centers itsself by means ot the tapered screw head. This combination allows Support Setting (tight fit) to the hights and to whatever is to be supported. Nils for Fitting to the deck you might Need to put a Little beveling to round tube end in order to compensate the deck curvature at the requested Position,for upright Support Standing, and to fit tiny flat washers under the tube and under the Counter nut on the deck underside. That counternut must be secured, best with a Little wooden Cage and with CA glue
  6. John the (from outside) visible decks were all from finest steel riveted plating, but they have as well been covered with 3.5 to 4 Inch thick wooden oregeon pine planking from begin on. I unfortunately do not know to what degree the Wood may been (if at all) exchanged during 1951 and thereafter, but the Pictures Show that there was still Wood planking. One deck lower ( Tweendeck) was only steel plated I am adding a Picture out of Gondesens book showing the decks planking on top of the riveted steel plating, and the plain steel riveted tween deck. The SS 180 on the drawing stands for Blohm & Voss build No. 180 that is the Pamir Nils
  7. Build log part 8 all decks and the two deckhousings fitted doing the forecastle bulwarks, bow jib boom mounted set of supports for catwalks model for hight adjustable support the two appropriate parts taking measurements with dummy catwalk plank the vent tubes with their Hoods are preliminary mounted the two deckshouses with notches for the venttube sleeves different sizes of vents the two Long ones go to the aft side of the midship highdeck Build log part 9 to follow Nils
  8. Build log part 7 bow bulwark planked but not sanded and not trimmed yet aft maindeck with outcut for hatch Counter measures below the deck aft maindeck with port side fitted pinracks and mastgarden The Philips head screws are stainless steel and M 1,4 thread eyelets on starbord side aft maindeck new deckhousing starbord pinrack also mounted final fit check poopdeck Need to give round openings for to pass through the vents of deckhousings and for Counters of the eyelets around the masts area Build log part 8 to follow Nils
  9. Hi Robin Oh yes, that will be nice, I`m looking Forward to your Photo, and thank you Nils
  10. S.Coleman, Thank you for your words, the Tacklings of the belaying Pins afterwards cover the Philips srews heads to a great degree, (not obvious to see any more), so I leave them as is..., I also have the possibilty to tighten the screwheads after the Setting pull in the rig Needs some readjusting. Nils
  11. Build log part 6 here is a terribly bad and wrong glued together wreck of the 1951 version (Heller 1:150) Pamir Hull, built by unknown...., but I saved it from the bin. It Looks like it ran on to the rocks of Cape Hoorn, but never the less I was only after taking cross check with the own 1:96 hull dimensions. I even sold that hulk at Ebay afterwards to someone else and for the same reason. By the way, the assebly instruction Manual of the Heller kit, for whoever is able to get an exemplar, bears amoungst other valuable information, beautiful Explosion typ drawings of all individual parts, a great help ! leaving open the last Planks came very Handy for clamping down the decks started to begin with several cardboard templates for the belaying pin racks Arrangement. It was my decision to put all the rig (static ad running ropes,lines, chords, stays, Tacklings, bracing tackle, etc...) in full functional way to the rig. I asume there is not a Feature not modeled in to this ship here just a Little Trial model important to fix the Counters on the bottom deck side, same Little model in accordance with the handscetch a made before some of the many pin racks, semiround brass edge on the rope wear side, wooden semiround on the other These also take up the shrouds- and backstay fastening bolts as well as the many individual pins all eyelets have sufficiant Counter Points beneath the decks eyelets within the mastgarden racks Build log part 7 to follow... Nils
  12. Hi Crackers, when using the "Quote" button to your last message I get an error note, telling me that I´m not allowed to use That ending ?????, the Quote Feature works OK with all other members return Information As for considering perhaps the light cruiser Emden, my preferance lays more on civil ships (exception 17-18th century war ships which I love for the beautiful lines those naval architects were capable of building). Unfortunately I shall Need to pause anyhow, because I`m running out of space for putting the models Cheers Nils
  13. John, Thanks for your Input... when mentioning the load beams I meant cargo derricks, sorry for confusion..., and thanks for the correct term Nils
  14. yes, you should try it Bob, it saves many headaches and broken Planks.. Nils
  15. Thank you bugra, stay tuned there are many more log parts to come... Nils
  16. Hi Crackers, Thanks for your nice words, and yes, if this is the 1:150 Heller kit, it surely will be an ambitious model to complete, I`m not sure from the Picture if it is the Version before or after 1951 you are showing, it is difficult to make out. Let me use this ocasion for pointing out the differences after the Pamir had been changed at Howaldtswerke-Deutsche Werft in Kiel Major changes after 1951: - prolonged poopdeck - additional 2 deckhouses with attached 4 ventposts to each housing that also act as the pillar co lumes for the cargo derricks - 1000 PSi engine fitted - 2,5 meter dia. 2-blade Propeller fitted - modified rudder fitted - additional 2 boats and Davits mounted on foreward deck, set behind the foremast shrouds and back stays on skid type cradle s enabling slip backwards on skid under the Position of the foredeck Davits - three(of each 6-drum comprising) Jarvis bracing winches mounted, enabling easy bracing, to the f irst three lower Yards of the 3 mainmasts. The bracing rigging was changed accordingly - modified catwalks from poop to the high middeck and on to the forecastle deck, for speedy and dr y Crew movement in rough water These changes of corse required for space, so everything became more "crowded" on the decks, this also causing the 1:96 model to well place the changes.... If I have forgotten any Feature please feel free to advise... Nils
  17. build log part 5 a good base for Fixing the poopdeck on same for the midship high deck, on the "keel-spine" the counternut for one standbolt can be seen bow bulwark planking also done vertical the Forward main deck reaches well under the upper forecastle deck Fitting vent tubes preliminary, to see if the frontside of poop bulkhead notches are adequate here again the hull lines clearly to be seen the decks are from 1,5 mm 4 layer aero plywood handscetch for scaled heights of belaying pin racks and bulwarks planking of poopdeck, with 1 x 3 mm Pitchpine (to be cleaned and sanded over later on) length several lots of cut pre-bundled and clamped deckplanks pencil-charcoaled at their thin- and face edges only Build log part 6 to follow.... Nils
  18. Thanks for this Information Bedford yes, I think the Pamir was wellknown in Australia an New Zealand.... Nils
  19. Build log part 4 3/4 planking done waterline with preliminary pencil marking vertical planking of spherical round upper Stern portion waiting for the glue to dry off this is a great Moment, the ship has been lifted off the baseplate for the first time, Hull sanded over, all Looks OK. Prop and shaft claddings as well as ruddershaft fitted meantime the stand with its three brass Posts has been made and fitted Planks just before the decklines left open for enabling Access underneath to the decks when they get mounted all bukhead heights brout to appropriate deck levels The decks are in preperation already... Build log part 5 to follow Nils
  20. Karl, yes I also remember, I was 10 years old and the newspapers spread the Happenings and the newsflashes right down to Capetown as well... Nils
  21. You`re right John, but knowing that there are 8 sets of shrouds, all those stays and appr. 64 backstays all under spanned stress it really takes the strong one to be on the safe side Nils
  22. Alexander, your build makes ones heart jump higher, this is absolutely on my wave,it is new to me for I joined in after MSW 1 went lost. Very well done mate !!! Nils
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