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    edmay reacted to Ulises Victoria in Royal Louis 1780 by Ulises Victoria - FINISHED - Mamoli - Scale 1/90 - French 126-gun ship   
    Hello friends!
    Well I'm finally done with the rudder. It was something rather complicated for me because I had to carve the rudder and hull to accommodate the hinges, and I am not too proficient at this activity (yet).
    An important part is that with this I finish page number 3 of the plans/instructions. What's next is work mainly on the decks, and (gulp) cannons and (double gulp) cannon port lids. Not all the gunports have lids, thank God, but still there will be about 70 of them.
    So here we go: 
    I didn't like these simulated head bolts in the hinges,

    ...so I filed them down.

    Starting the carving of the hinge's location


    Rudder hinges in place

    Drilling holes to place nail heads. I cut the head and about a 1mm stem. These are only decorative. They don't actually have any work as holding items.

    Work of measuring the correct placement of the hull hinges, to match the rudder hinges' holes.

    Testing for correct alignment. You can see a piece of brass wire going through the whole assembly to check for precise alignment.

    Here it is completed.

    Thanks for visiting.
    Best regards all.
  2. Like
    edmay reacted to maggsl_01 in Fregatte Berlin by maggsl_01 - FINISHED - Corel - 1:40   
    Hello again
    just a little  update.
    The plan is: First I will prepare and plank the main deck. It's made of two parts. So I plank the greater part now, then will fix it and plank the second part. It's important to make all the borderings now, also the protection of the masts. Next will be the planking of the bulkhead of the forecastle, then the planking of the bulkhead on the back. After this I will fix the upper deck and plank the bulkheads. Last will be to plank the inner bulwarks. After this the final sanding will be done.
    That's it for the monet - a lot of fun lays ahead.
    As always - some pics to show the progress

  3. Like
    edmay reacted to maggsl_01 in Fregatte Berlin by maggsl_01 - FINISHED - Corel - 1:40   
    Hello all together
    time for a littele update. Of course am stil working on the hull. After a first sanding and planíng I have got a quite clean surface. Before I will sand another time with fine grained paper I will plank the bulwarks. It will give more stability to the entire construction.
    Today I shaped the ship - that was quite funny but challenging. There is no pattern - you hae to measure from the plans and transfer the data to the model. I used a steel ruler and a calliper. It was exciting to get the same shape on starbord and portside But I think I got a good result. Next will be to prepare the decks and to plank them.
    As always some pics to show the progress I have made so far.
    Cheerio to all

  4. Like
    edmay reacted to maggsl_01 in Fregatte Berlin by maggsl_01 - FINISHED - Corel - 1:40   
    Hello my friends
    just another update. I finished the main first planking. Well... difficult and tricky but you can manage this. First of all - be patient. Second - patience. Third - don't hurry
    Perhaps it would have been easier to use the 4/2 mm strips provided with the kit. But I did not like the size, so I used 7/1mm strips. Well, this was a good decision as I think. The inner planking will be done with the 4/2mm strips. It is bad that there is NO pattern how to cut off the planks to create the shape. But I love the challenge to get all done. You have to read the plans very very careful and - as said before - like a chess player think about the steps done in five or six days
    Some pics show the progress - you all will know how it goes on. Planking the decks, planking the inner side, inbetween this shape the hull.

  5. Like
    edmay reacted to maggsl_01 in Fregatte Berlin by maggsl_01 - FINISHED - Corel - 1:40   
    Hi Ferit,
    I use strips for planking with the sikze of 7/1 mm - very good Quality
    I will plank the inside with 2mm-strips (probably the provided ones in the kit. The wood seems to be excellent quality too). So at least I will have a thickness of about 3mm. I have not yet thought about the ports so far. All I can say is that all the sizes and relations  are difficult to manage. I think it is not so good that the model should be single planked. It would be more effective to have a stable basement for the planking. But all in all it is  real a challenge and fun to  work on the Berlin. I will also plank the decks with some maple-strips.
    And yes... it is some kind of chess... :)
  6. Like
    edmay reacted to maggsl_01 in Fregatte Berlin by maggsl_01 - FINISHED - Corel - 1:40   
    Hello my friends
    just a little update. I started planking now - you all know this job.... Up to now it goes on quite good, but the difficulties will come as always. As mentioned before I use 7/1 mm strips walnut. They seem to be best quality and I can work with them very well.
    The other pics show the work on the tops.
    I am glad that the kit is not my first. There is a lot of tricky things. The plansa are ok but you have to know how to build a model. They show everything but dont explain a lot... But this is what I like and so I can say I am satisfied so far.

  7. Like
    edmay reacted to maggsl_01 in Fregatte Berlin by maggsl_01 - FINISHED - Corel - 1:40   
    Hello my friends and happy mates...
    I am back again. And it feels good.
    This year was a challenge to me - first the dead of my dad. Then the problems in the familiy caused by his death (most of you will have brothers and sisters an will understand...), then our three oldies with four paws became more and more old and sick. At least Morando, our nearly 16 years old Chief-in-group ( ) died. But now I hope the rest of the year will be quiet and chilling, having a ot of fun with my Berlin.
    As mentioned before I fill up the body with balsa wood and thus create a firm and stable substruction for the planking. Yes, I choose to use a 7mm wide walnut timber to plank the hull instead of the supplied 4mm strips. I hope it will work as I think.
    Well... see the pics and gfive me your opinion.

  8. Like
    edmay reacted to popeye the sailor in Syborn by popeye the sailor - FINISHED - 1:33 - trawler   
    thanks Sjors for the kind word!   I think it has another name.........the twilight zone!  
  9. Like
    edmay reacted to Sjors in Syborn by popeye the sailor - FINISHED - 1:33 - trawler   
    You are not from this world Popeye !
    You are coming from a planet that called " master of shipbuilding " !
    I think there are more builders who lived there .
    And I don't have a passport so I will stay on the planet earth   
  10. Like
    edmay reacted to popeye the sailor in Syborn by popeye the sailor - FINISHED - 1:33 - trawler   
    I feel much better today.  for some reason I was still under quarantine though......couldn't cut any wood,  can't go out to the garage.........so fine!   I'll work on my boat!    {reverse psychology works every time}    let me at that drudgery!
    as mentioned......I know I'm gonna need a couple more of those double block pulleys,  so I started with those.   I made four of them.


    looking and thinking about it a bit further,  I think I can get away with just a pair of them.  so they were drilled,  fitted,  and painted.   then they were reassembled.

    these will be located near the aft gallows.   the winch was ready to be cemented in place on the deck.

    two pairs of single block pulleys were cemented along the bulwarks to the fore gallows.

    I made the double block pulleys the same size as the first pair I made.......after cementing each one next to the aft gallows,   the rigging was done.



    the hook were added to the cables and to each of the eye bolts...I still need to tie them off.   the first part is almost done.
    the second part tomorrow.........I have to make a few parts still    enjoy!
  11. Like
    edmay reacted to michael mott in Syborn by popeye the sailor - FINISHED - 1:33 - trawler   
    Sorry to hear that you are a little under the weather. the winches are looking very nice.
  12. Like
    edmay reacted to popeye the sailor in Syborn by popeye the sailor - FINISHED - 1:33 - trawler   
    I took Monday off.......I was planning on getting a head start on the mid ship reno.   what do I end up doing.....an oil change for my son,  and looking for phantoms,   and then sick by the afternoon      whoa........did I see that coming or what?!?!?!
       so I ended the day,  romancing the porcelain god and being a drone on the couch.  I did get a little time at the table in though.   to start off with.......I had to reduce the deck to pre-October.....

    first order of business........cement an eye bolt at each gallow.

    I cemented the other double block pulley I made to the other side of the gallows winch.   then pull all the cords {cables} under the reels and route them through the block pulleys

    ...that was as far as I got......it was off to go tinker with my son Kevin's car.   kinda felt like crap then.......it got worse as I went along.   don't know what it was........but I guess it was good that I took the day off from work.
  13. Like
    edmay reacted to popeye the sailor in Syborn by popeye the sailor - FINISHED - 1:33 - trawler   
    thanks Mark for the kind word.....and thank you all for the likes.      I shortened my work week by taking Monday off........it will give me more time  
    can't wait to get back to her     glad you like the progress so far  
  14. Like
    edmay reacted to popeye the sailor in Syborn by popeye the sailor - FINISHED - 1:33 - trawler   
    I wanted to get this in to you before bed time.........back to work I'm afraid     playtime's over.......blaaaaaaaa!
    I worked on the gallows winch for a while this evening.   of course,  in doing the belts,  I ran across a problem....right from the get-go.   the routing was going to be fouled,  since the belt for the inner pulley run,  had to start under the crank pulley. 
         how ever I ran it,  it was going to interfere with the crank pulley.  the only alternative,  was to install an idler pulley and redirect the belt so it would crossover to the other side without being in the line of the crank pulley.   this was not going to be easy........the only possible spot for a hole to be drilled,  was under the crank pulley........and that is solid brass.   it wasn't all that bad though.......I used my cordless drill,  with a brad size drill  {it's like a toothpick in a giant's hand......if you saw my black & decker cordless......the thing is huge}....and managed to drill the hole.

    with a 10 mm brad,  and a 4 mm brass pulley,  the idler pulley was installed.

    this was for the belt routing for the outer pulleys {reels}.   a second belt routes around the inner pulleys {reels}.  here is how it looks.

    another thing I saw with it,  was that the cables {cord}  needs to be routed from the deck level......from under,  not over like the boom winch.   I will need to make a pair of double block pulleys,  which will be located at the base of the winch frame.   I began to make them,  as I did with the single ones.

    while these were drying,  the brake levers were added to the winch.  ...not too elaborate,  but they give the look  

    I need to add some to the boom winch......that will be back on the table soon.   the block pulley frames were sanded and drilled for the pair of 4 mm brass pulleys that will be inserted in them.   I have plenty of wire stubbles......I may need to make another pair......we'll see.

    these were then painted.........and when the first one was dry,  it was fitted with the pulleys,  the wire ends trimmed,  and cemented in place on the winch frame.

    by now....the other one should be dry enough to assemble and cement into place.   then I can route the cord {cable} through them.   once I find out if another pair of double block pulleys are needed.....the game can begin!  I can start to populate the deck with all this stuff I been making    a few extra bit will be thrown in for interest.....I hope  
  15. Like
    edmay reacted to popeye the sailor in Syborn by popeye the sailor - FINISHED - 1:33 - trawler   
    oh my!   thanks so much for the overwhelmingly fine comments and likes!    as I mentioned....I'd be surprised if there was a trawler out there set up like this........but it has turned out to be fun,  throwing automation and function into the build.   I plan to portray it as ready,  heading out to the fishing area,  since with weathering and a full box,  is something I've never done before.  I'd be too worried that I'd make a mess of it.  the catch is another dilemma,  as to whether the catch is prepped in any way or harvested live.......some do and some don't.  I was going to have smaller conveyors on wheels in front of the hold,  but to keep it simple,  I shot it down.  I enjoy all the suggestions though....please keep them coming.  I have a few things I want to add,  as extra detail, some in which were suggested to me........even site links would be a big help.  I have found some,  but I still have gray areas concerning the process of trawl fishing.   I'm glad to see the interest,  you folks have shown......even after tabling it for so long.   I brought it back out,  to put a quick finish to it....but to those who know me........I'm sure you figured that wasn't going to happen     true to form......I've added extra ideas I've come up with,  and your suggestions are giving me more    I haven't done too much today.........too busy watching the sad affairs that are going on.   I have begun to add the belts to the gallows winch....add a bit more,  and then the mid ship can start coming together.   I have one picture though,  that seemed to land in one of the other folders...

    the right side is loaded and all the pulleys are in place.  I did run into one more small problem with this,  but I was able to remedy it with little trouble.   I should have more soon  
    thanks again for look'in in.......there's still more to go!  
  16. Like
    edmay reacted to Liberto in La Santisima Trinidad 1769 by Liberto - 1805   
    Hello friends Albert, Wacko, Mark, greetings also for all the companions ofM. S. W. thank you for being so kind. Of course I will continue to pass images of the entire construction process.
    I give you new pictures. A hug, Liberto

  17. Like
    edmay reacted to mtaylor in La Santisima Trinidad 1769 by Liberto - 1805   
    Just fantastic.  
  18. Like
    edmay reacted to Liberto in La Santisima Trinidad 1769 by Liberto - 1805   
    Hello Albert and John Allen, it is very important for me that you like my work
     Thanks friends, I pass new images.
    A hug, Liberto

  19. Like
    edmay reacted to John Allen in La Santisima Trinidad 1769 by Liberto - 1805   
    A fine example of a clean build.
  20. Like
    edmay reacted to Liberto in La Santisima Trinidad 1769 by Liberto - 1805   
    Hi friends, thank you all cometarios you do, this encourages me and even more coming from such experienced modelers, thank you comrades.
    Of course I will continue to pass images of the advances I am making.
    The supports are made by me, the design is our companion Chimista, and can effectively adapt very well to our need.
    Os paso pictures, saludos Liberto

  21. Like
    edmay reacted to albert in La Santisima Trinidad 1769 by Liberto - 1805   
    Very nice work Liberto.
  22. Like
    edmay reacted to Liberto in La Santisima Trinidad 1769 by Liberto - 1805   
    Hello friends, continued moving images.
    greetings Liberto

  23. Like
    edmay reacted to Louie da fly in La Santisima Trinidad 1769 by Liberto - 1805   
    Very nice, clean, precise work. It looks like it will be a very good model.
    The gun carriages look a bit unusual - I've never seen any that looked like that.
  24. Like
    edmay reacted to Liberto in La Santisima Trinidad 1769 by Liberto - 1805   
    Hello friends, continuous passing images, materials I am using are, for frames laminated board 5m/m, for false keel special board aviation 5m/m, for the keel, stem and stern have used Cuban mahogany.
    greetings Liberto

  25. Like
    edmay reacted to Liberto in La Santisima Trinidad 1769 by Liberto - 1805   
    THE HOLY TRINITY 1769/1805
    Hello friends:
     For the realization of this project it has been party copies or drawings of undoubted authenticity period, and corresponding to their status in 1797 just before the Battle of San Vicente. In that battle the Holy Trinity was badly damaged and is not known with certainty the repair works made in the stern and the bow.
    The plans necessary for the model that is being made (scale 1/72) are the work of our colleague Chimista, based on the original plans of 1797, supplemented by drawings of the raised bow and stern facts at their discretion from the side view of the helmet, as well as other planes of ships of 112 guns of the corresponding period, plans of the Naval Museum of Madrid
    The drawing of the comb or taffrail is a conjecture of the author of the project based on forms that appear in the side view.
    As you can imagine this project is the result of several months of hard research work, the plans have been revised, corrected, and drawn, trying at all times as close as possible to the image that could offer this iconic ship in time between the last reform which was submitted in the Carrack 1797 and its sad end at the Battle of Trafalgar 1805.
    I give sincere thanks to our partner Chimista for the trust placed in me to carry out this new project ... I try to keep up.
    greetings Liberto

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