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Posts posted by Rick310

  1. I  While still down the rabbit hole, I decided to make the cloverleaf blocks for the topsail and topgallant chain sheets, 6 of them.  They should be 2 different sizes but I made them all the same size for convenience as the difference is small and I wasn’t sure I could make them any smaller.  

    They were fabricated per EdT.  Two 0.010 inch strips of brass sheet, 1/4 inch wide, were clamped together and the 3 holes drilled in the milling machine ( EdT used 4 holes).  I modified the spacing for my convenience and ease and the holes were drilled with a #68 drill which corresponds to a 22ga copper wire bolt.  The sheaves were made from 2mm brass tube cut to a 1/16 inch length.  The sides of the blocks were cut from the brass sheet.  This was all fairly straightforward.  The real difficulty came in trying to preen the copper wire bolts.  I first preened a small head on one end of the wire bolt, assembled the parts the cut off the bolt.  Preening the other end turned out to be a nightmare as the head didn’t want to flatten and the block wanted to distort.  I finally got 7 made( 1 spare). These were filled to shape using a jeweler’s drill.

    Since then I have been working on the mizzen topsail yard.  Yard bands were made from copper tube and sheet, jackstay eyebolts from 28 ga copper wire and the jackstay from.02 brass rod.  The stirrups are 28 ga copper wire and the foot ropes are.012 black thread.  Tried to make the stirrups out of thread also , but no luck.  

    The blocks for the reefing tackles are from Syren, their 2 mm blocks.

    Still need to add the chain sheets and halyard, as well as the bowlines.










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