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  1. I've started tree nailing with one side done except for sanding. I have opted for using wood for the tree nails over filler.
  2. Bullwarks planked and lightly sanded on one side and half way done on the other. I will never use Bass wood for planking again. I think it it way too soft to cut out those small ports and get a clean line.
  3. I started planking, and it is very tedious at this point. I'm sure the other side will look better around the ports as figure it better ways of making the notched out areas cleaner.
  4. Need a bit of advise on the filler pieces below the counter. I made them a bit wider and am unsure of the fairing. Any opinions?
  5. Almost ready to start chapter five. There were some issues in chapter four that was caught and brought to my attention by another member. All of the sills, lentils, and ports had to be redone due to not reading the instructions carefully.
  6. Repairs under way for my over zealous sanding. Trying one side to see how it works.
  7. Repairs underway, I thought I would try one side first then move on if it does. I hope this works.
  8. Jaager, thanks for the response. I was considering scabbing the outside before any more sanding. I just needed to hear someone else mention it; I have the perfect size strips to use ready to roll. Again, thank you
  9. I am building the US Brig Syren and according to Chuck's plans the bullwarks are supposed to be 1/8" in top and 5/32" at the deck when all of the ports are framed. I however have gone a bit to far, I am a 1/16" to thin and still have a bit of framing and sanding to do. My question is, do I add to the bullwarks and then finish at the 1/8 and 5/32 or sand my framing down to the 1/16"?
  10. I have most of the gun port framing done. I made a bit of an error though. I have the bullwarks on one side sanded 1/16 to thin. Should I add to them to bring the thickness back to 1/8?
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