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Everything posted by AlexBaranov

  1. Теперь мой друг и фотограф Геннадий Баши сделал слайд-шоу. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5d6sbyzZLvw&feature=youtu.be Я настаивал на музыку Сметаны, Вивальди, Бизе. Тем не менее, это также хороший выбор правильно.
  2. Dear Colleagues ! I am very grateful to you for your appreciation of my work.
  3. Finally, a friend of mine put together a movie. See here:
  4. Hello dear colleagues and friends. Many thank you for the appreciation of my work. However, I want to express my gratitude to the master who made showcase and lighting for the ship. His name is Denis.
  5. For a ship determined permanent residence. Russia, Izhevsk. (In this city made Kalashnikov assault rifles).
  6. Yes, this is in preparation for transportation is not a large car. Upon arrival at the place of permanent deployment (three thousand kilometers away), I will gather the ship again in two days.
  7. Name Hurricane "Alex disastrous." Yes. This preparation for transport to the car. The ship is not for the museum. However, if the museum will have a decent budget, I can build for the museum as well.
  8. Thanks. However, the original ship is also good. So in the British colonial expansion even has positive aspects. It is a strong and beautiful varied fleet.
  9. Обработанные профессиональные фотографии
  10. Gentlemen, colleagues, friends. Thank you very much for your kind comments about my work. A little patience, please. Tomorrow we will try to do a photo shoot. But today will be a difficult battle with the dust. Before the victory ... Mike, I hope you will succeed! And when that happens, I will be glad and happy to see him. Good luck!
  11. Thank you. I am very pleased. Your greeting quite nicely.
  12. Therefore it can be stated mutual recognition. And this is good. I wish you success.
  13. Very, very decent job! Very skillfully, gently. But it is very labor-intensive technologies. It's really hard and a lot of work. This work is worthy of respect and admiration.
  14. Наконец, законченная работа на модели корабля. К сожалению (есть причина), я был не в состоянии показать процесс строительства. От меня это мало влияет. Тем не менее, подлежат рассмотрению в силе, я постараюсь, чтобы сделать хорошее фото студию и добавить к этой теме.
  15. Very serious, painstaking and difficult work. My Congratulations Zbigniew. As a specialist, I draw attention to the details. Nails with square caps expose you as a master who knows the subject and accurate creator. Once again, congratulations. Alex
  16. Sure. Will the mast and rigging and sails (as anchor)
  17. Фотосессия. С отделкой корпуса при ярком солнечном свете. Снятый на профессиональной камерой. Наконец исполнение соответствуют действительности. И это хорошо.
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