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Everything posted by AlexBaranov

  1. Я готовлю для изготовления канатов такелажных. Природный решение и, следовательно, естественную текстуру и цвет
  2. Thanks for the kind words! yes, the most difficult dust control. my dog helps to successfully build a layer of dust after each cleaning. There is a saying ... no one knows where does the dust and where the money goes ...
  3. Unfortunately here in this forum I can not tell everything I know. No, there is no error in translation. I am referring to that very soon (3 - 7 years (not exactly say MSU) land where you now live is not suitable for human life). Want to know more? ask me confidentially. Cassandra had the gift of predicting the future. But she had a curse that no one believed in her predictions.
  4. Hi Nigel. In this case, you should hurry. You have only two years to fulfill your wish and save his life. I'm telling you this because you're one of us and did not forget (I hope) the memory of your (and my) ancestors. If you like, learn more ...
  5. The horror ... What is difficult to understand this your clipped Russian, it is English. I can not onyat one value when values ​​have five British ... Very interesting topic to talk .. Chtog was early in the chicken or the egg? So, I have absolutely convinced that English is no longer a Russian 500 years ago
  6. Возможно, вы имели в виду: Так что же ты наконец... Я часть той силы, которая всегда замышляет зло но вечно совершает благо. Alors que faites-vous à la fin ... Je fais partie de ce pouvoir, qui est toujours mal, maistoujours fait du bien.
  7. The meeting continues, ladies and gentlemen of the jury.
  8. Hi Nigel Yes, indeed, this sculpture is made by CNC machined of wood alpine pear. Files we do together with my wife. To handle the relief I use the rotary coordinate in the 2D plane. However, for each plane we do personally control program. Four manufacture of Neptune we did 20 control program (arms legs and torso)
  9. Unfortunately have to finish manually. However, within the accuracy of one micron.
  10. I made ​​a deck of wood alpine pears. I process wax and water solutions. Nails of brass.
  11. right ... it is a matter of taste. However, there is good taste or no taste at all or taste awful. so, too, is always.
  12. two types of wood arrest black (painted in a vacuum hornbeam) and alpine wood pear.
  13. Because Russian know that brass is an alloy. If Canadians knew that the alloys have a significantly greater Range chemical treatment, Canadians also would use brass. However, Russian know just do not build a real ship, but the model is constructed, and above all a work of art but a smaller copy of the real ship. Achieving this will not.
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