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About Museumvillage

  • Birthday 11/06/1942

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    Highland Mills, NY USA
  • Interests
    Whale Boat authentic building and history.

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  1. Building a little away from kit in order to allow for RC mechanics later. This is my third plank on frame build but I’ve never built a sailing RC model before.
  2. Thanks Mike from RI, I kind of guessed the same but never saw a picture or sketch of them in use so I wondered. Since then I've finished the model with Kit and Imagination. I even included a scale Rat just to port of the centerboard well.. I'll attempt to include a JPEG; I've had trouble doing this before.
  3. Thanks for responding to my question. I mostly wish I knew what the REAL lance Tails were and what their use was. The Lance Tails are only described as ~12" long. They are shown in the Sheet 3 drawing starboard side hole right after the starboard Kicking Strap hole. I'd like to make them as authentic as I can but Authentic to What? In the photo below I'm trying to show the sheet 3 drawing area with the same area of my model on top of it. Bob Breur from Museum Village
  4. Nearly completed Model Shipways Whaleboat What are the LanceTails? How were they used? IMG_8665.JPG
  5. Hi guys. I’m building the same model but I can’t figure out what to do for the Lance Tails. What were they? What were they used for? I’d like to make mine look authentic but to What?
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