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About JerryGreening

  • Birthday 11/26/1968

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    Everett, Wa.

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  1. So far I am pleased with how it is turning out. May was a bit of a busy month for me which left little time for inside actvities. My wife came down ill with complications stemming from diabetis requiring a week long stay in the hospital. She recovered well. I also completed my open water scuba cert two weeks ago and did my first boat dive towards my advanced open water just last Sunday.
  2. Little update because I haven't posted in a while. I took a break from framing and tried my hand at machining some cannon barrels. I turned out 5 so far before returning back to the task of framing. So, the hull is roughly halfway framed, still needs the stern framing yet. I am going to move on to the bow and begin framing that in the coming weeks.
  3. So far I have machined four barrels with the fifth still in the lathe. I did drill the trunion on one barrel and darken it first with Liver of Sulfur. The Liver of sulfur solution didn't seem to color the surface any. I had much better results with some bits of copper tubing with that. I ultimately went back and used some of my "Blacken It" solution on it. So that is kind of my master barrel. It is actually the third barrel I made. The first ended up being oversized diameter wise. The second went much better until I was almost done with it when it came loose in the chuck and jammed against the slide and bent the barrel. Little bit of sequencing issue there. So, chock two barrels up to a learning curve. Now that I have a rudimentary idea of what I'm doing I'm thinking about doing a little video tutorial on how to machine cannon barrels on a lathe. What do you guys think???
  4. Yes. I ​begun this project by pretty much drawing, cutting, and assembling each frame before proceeding on to the next. That's kinda really slow I suppose, though it does make for many update photos. I've moved to drawing, cutting and assembling groups of frames before attaching them to the hull. I find myself getting the absurd notion that I must build faster to provide more updates. I have to remind myself I don't need to do that so I'll probably skip around a little.
  5. The framing continues, though I took a little break from working on the hull to play with the little Unimat lathe a bit. I gave turning some cannon barrels a go.
  6. So many build logs to peruse, I have neglected to really update my own log. Thank You all for the comments. I promise I will utilize Swiss Pear on a subsequent build. I haven't even gotten the framing done on the Richard yet and already I'm thinking of what I would like to model next. Being a Navy guy I do have a desired plan of action concerning the ships I would like to build and add to my collection. The first of which was the ship in which I was stationed aboard - U.S.S. Jarrett FFG-33. That model is a 1/350th scale plastic model. I have always intended to build a much larger version of her. I would like to remain in the 1/48 scale range which would make that model about 9.5 feet long. We'll see about that one though as I have to negotiate berthing space with the admiral for that. In keeping with the U.S. Navy theme I should of course add the U.S. Navy's first frigate. So I am leaning towards a USS Constitution build as my next project. At this point I am just gathering research data here and there. I will do that one out of Swiss Pear. First back to the Bonhomme Richard. I am still cutting out frame pieces. Lots of frame pieces I. I should have probably added in my previous post a note concerning my use of Tung oil. Ed is very much right about holding off on applying it until your sure that all gluing has been completed as the glue will not adhere to it. I went ahead and applied it to get a better idea of what the grain would look like. Since the inside of the hull hadn't been sanded yet I knew anything I applied would eventually get removed. Also, I use a product called Formsby's Tung oil finish, some of you may be familiar with it as it is a common furniture finish. What's not so commonly known is that it isn't really Tung oil, It really a wipe on varnish. It also doesn't penetrate the wood like a true oil rather it sits on the surface. Knowing that I would be sanding the interior yet and removing what I had applied I 'm fairly confident I won't be running into any glue adhesion problems. So, far I have used the Unimat to make some example's of Ed's clamps. I'm pretty happy with it. I have purchased some spare belts for it and am currently eyeing a compound cross slide for it to make cutting tapers on cannons a little easier. So far I suppose my only gripe with it would be that the motor does seem to run a bit on the hot side. The motor probably could use a bit of a freshening of the brushes and bearings. Still curiously the motor is not vented or finned so I would expect it to run slightly hot.
  7. Framing continues. I have installed from frames 49 through 61. I have also begun fairing the frames from the stern forward as I go. I also applied a coat of Tung oil finish to the frames to help show off the grain and also to show the low spots a little better. It's starting to look a little more like a hull.
  8. Update. Keel is mostly done, it still needs bolts. I wanted to wait on installing bolts until I got Vol. 1 of the 74 gun ship series. I mistakenly ordered the second volume first. No big deal as I intend to get all four volumes anyway. I did move onto the framing since there aren't many visible bolts there. Ever since I laid eyes on Ed Tosti's Naiad build I have wanted to build those tools, his Ship Ways is superb. So, I ordered his first book on the Naiad build. I have been reading through it for a few days now. Gleaming Ed's little pearls of wisdom from it's pages. Unfortunately, Ed the pages of your book is now covered with sawdust as I spent the day building an Ed Tosti style Ways for the Bonhomme Richard. I sourced my T-track from Rockler woodworking supply. They sell a universal T-track kit that comes with one 4 foot track and a bag of knobs and T-bolts for $31.99, the track alone is $25.00 for a 4 foot section. If I were to buy just the track I would get it from Woodcraft Supply. So, I bought 2 universal kits giving me plenty of bolts and knobs. I still have to build the gantry and probably another height gauge. Each of those will be fabricated from maple since I have a good stock of that in the shop. I also added a Unimat Lathe to the shop. I purchased it on eBay. The first of two boxes came today, luckily it was the lathe itself. I powered it up and played with it a bit. Its used obviously but is still pretty tight throughout. Overall, I am impressed with the quality of this little machine.
  9. So work on the keel continues. Rabbet is cut so onwards we go. Also, new lighting for the shop.
  10. Progress, The stern is coming along nicely. It's pretty close to the stage from version 1. I've started cutting the sternpost and keel. I also cut the rabbit into the sternpost as detailed in the pictures. This was done using a Pfiel 3mm V-chisel. You can see the small cuts I made working the rabbit down to it's final dimension. I have not as of yet cut the rabbit in the keel itself, that will be done once I have all the pieces cut out and glue together. Another word of note for those of us living in the U.S. Upon my return to this project I was pleased to find that ANCRE has redone their website, It is much friendlier as they now have shipping options for the U.S. listed directly in the order process. So, we don't have to email them and wait weeks to hear back. Also, You may or may not know the Ancre publishes a 4 volume set pertaining to the build of the 74 gun ship. This is kinda THEEE authority on French shipbuilding.As with most Ancre products it has been a little difficult to get here in the States. I think I've seen volume 2 priced between $150 and $300 on the used book market. Well, good news!!!!!! Because the dollar is strong against the Euro at the moment and with the new an improved website. I jumped at the opportunity to purchase Vol. 2 of the 74-gun ship series directly from Ancre. It is priced at 103 Euros or about $120 US, Shipping was another 5 Euros. I received my copy this morning 11 days after ordering it. I'm so jazzed right now because I've been wanting this book for 3 years now and beating myself up over the cost of buying it used. Now I have a new copy hot off the press. I will be adding the rest of the volumes shortly to round out the collection.
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