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Posts posted by PJG

  1. Thanks again for the warm welcome everyone. I have a quick question that I'll ask here despite there almost certainly being better places to ask it (forgive the newbie). I'm probably 80% along on the whaleboat I mentioned in my intro. I started it last Fall with a hiatus or two along the way. The question is whether a build closer to completion than its beginning qualifies for a build log? I have taken photos along the way but not specifically intended to illustrate specific techniques. Most were taken with my phone and intended to show friends and family how it was coming along. There are already several good build logs here on this particular subject but I think my take on this boat represents an alternate approach that some might find useful/interesting. It's also possible that the final 20% of this build could take me as long as some of you knock off ships of the line!  

  2. Hello all...newbie to ship/boat models here but not to making little things. My primary focus is miniature replicas of historic buildings but I’m quickly learning a lot of the skills and techniques I’ve developed doing that lend themselves fairly well to my first attempt in at least a couple decades at a proper wooden boat model (MS New Bedford Whaleboat). I went with that particular kit as a result of one of my other hobbies (genealogy) and the fact that I actually thought it would be a nice, relaxing, breeze of a first build (famous last words). It turns out that a few of my long-lost ancestors from both mom and dad's lines put in time on whaling vessels (one on the Morgan) and this kit would be a nice little tribute. Thanks to the New Bedford Whaling Museum for their wonderfully extensive ship crew database and making it freely available online to the public. Don’t worry, there weren’t any officers in the family, just restless teenagers from Massachusetts and Connecticut who probably had few options and no clue what they’d gotten themselves into. I’ll bet they had some interesting stories to tell when they made it back to the farm in New England! But I digress. I tend to digress a lot. Just tell me to stop, My wife does it all the time. 

    So, to make a long story longer, I stumbled on this forum recently while trying to find a source for realistic miniature rope (thanks Chuck) and also found a real gold mine of absurdly humble craftspeople whose willingness to share their experience/talents/knowledge with those of us a little further back on the learning curve is a real treat and greatly appreciated. Hopefully I can make a contribution myself every now and again. Looking forward to being a part of the crew...Patrick.

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