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Everything posted by rummy

  1. Go Rocker,we will be your cheerleaders. It seems like I have been making a lot of bloodwood lately.Using my own blood. Larry
  2. Joss,This is my first scratch build so I would not trust myself with good wood like like holly.This is basswood painted.Yes I am going to caulk the main deck.I didn't know if the lower decks were caulked. Thanks Larry
  3. Very nice work Ron.I think you will have a beautiful build. Larry
  4. Beautiful knees, legs arn't bad either.Rusty you are an artist in wood. Larry
  5. Rocker there seems to be a lot that could be added.I hadn't tought of ropes. Ron,I soaked the beams about 3 hours in hot water then let them dry overnight. Thanks Larry
  6. May I explain why i'm doing a quick build.I started the Syren last year got about half done when I came on another ship.I worked it about 6 months.Now I have decided to do a scratch build Triton.I really love this.I know I am not following the exact plans but if I don't finish This quickly and finish the other 2 builds they may wind up not being finished Larry
  7. Thank You for your response.Pete If I treenail it will be the phoney kind.Rusty I had to think a while if I was going to fill that area in but I decided that the blige look so empty maybe a freight elevator would help.I will also add ballist, water barrels and such.I may decide differently after the upper decks are on.It's an easy fix.You Guys are really sharpe. Larry
  8. George,have you looked at Cornwall Model Boats? Thay have sailors In 22 mm, 25 mm and 32 mm.I think 22 mm is 1/86 .They are out of England. Larry
  9. A few more pictures.Bent the beams for the gun deck and installed planking for one half lower deck. Larry
  10. Thank you Mark and Grant,I will fix or cover my mistakes My favorite sayings: Plans I dont need no stinking plans and no I don't need a map Larry
  11. Thank you Rocker and Christian. Mark I would never say perfect, makeup will hide a lot.Joss I took your advice an stained inside.Pete I dont know if it was just the oak I got or what but it was a bear to fair.So just the frames are out of oak.A few pictures of the staining.I think the wood is cherry and I used pre-stain followed by natural. Thanks for looking Larry
  12. Thanks every one. A little more progress.That dang beam arm is quite the hard thing to make.I think it took me a hole day to make and re-make.It came out ok.I did cut out the pattern and tape it on. Tomorrow I will work on the carling,hanging knee,and lodging knee.Just listen to me talk. Before yesterday I did not know what these things were. Larry
  13. Thanks Pablo for re posting your build.I will use it as a guide. Larry
  14. I may have saved the build, Mark,I do know how to create that look(Every Thing Burned but This Part look) Augie,Snow skis for your planes thats the anwser. Pete,Not sure what kind of wood.It could be cherry.When I go camping I buy bundles of fire wood.It must come from some kind of wood working place.They are all boards oak, walnut,cherry and others.I grab the good ones the rest up in smoke. Back to more mistakes so I can learn more. Larry
  15. Very nice start to your build.Your frames really look nice Larry
  16. This is a quality build.Enjoy watching your build Larry
  17. Looking very nice,Looks like you know what your doing. Larry
  18. Thank You Augie.Just about time to go flying? Pride comes before the fall.I was rolling along,proud of my work.I tought let me stain the lower part now. I applied two coats of pre-stain,one coat of natural.Should have been sealed.Then one coat of 50/50% natural and gloden oak.Turned out awful.It just kept getting worse.I finally had to punt and go down stairs to cut some wood and place a verner to cover it but of a little harder wood. I did learn something,I never tought I could cut wood this thin on a bandsaw .050 inch/1.27 mm On with the learning and fixing mistakes I learn from Best Regards Larry
  19. Rusty your doing an excellent job.If mine turns out half as good i'll be happy. Larry
  20. Great start,You should do very well with youir build Larry
  21. Thank You one and all.I started the inboard planking .This goes really fast.I'll start the beams today. Pete I cut the two lines then used a chisel. Then I used a file to fit and smooth. Back to work, Larry
  22. Hello Ron,your off to a good start.Funny I spent part of the day testing stains on oak and basswood.I will post pictures of the oak. I have found that pre-stain conditioner,natural,and cherry are what I use most of the time.I have a hard time with the darker stains.Could be just me. Larry
  23. A few more pictures. Fairing war tough with the oak.Now I'll will work in a softer wood. Thanks Pete Best Regards Larry
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