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Everything posted by rummy

  1. Paddy,good call on re doing your keel.You had the good sense to stop and change directions.Check out page 1 of my build for a bad experance with basswood.I also found there is a differance in where you get your wood.I got some from National Balsa and it took pre stained and stain very well. Larry
  2. Hello,I have been busy re-doing parts of the build.The lower deck looked out of place with out the treenails so I re planked it and got a little more of the outside planking finished. I hope you have a pleasent Easter. Larry
  3. Nice job Ron.You have a beautiful build going. I see my own mistakes but seldom see other peoples mistakes. Larry
  4. Very nice work Pete.I like your mill.Looks like it's very accurate. Frames are vere nice. Larry
  5. Very nice frames. You must be a fast worker.This is a great site Larry
  6. Paddy nice cannons Your work looks like a pro.Can't wait to see the rest of your work. Larry
  7. Very nice start and welcome to the Triton build log.There are some very nice people here and one old sore head.It could be me Best Regards Larry
  8. I do like your work.Very neat and clean.Very nice wood. Larry
  9. Thank You Christan,Ron,and Sinan.I decided to use only one treenail per frame as it fits my skill level. So heres a picture of my porcupine and half the treenails in. The toothpicks were stained with strong tea. Thanks again for all your support. Larry
  10. Snowman,I also had trouble with the stains.Trees have a lot of water so I tried a water base product.Very strong TEA.I let the toothpicks soak about 6 hours,untill they sunk.Dried them and they worked great.A few pictures to boot.
  11. Ron,It was orange pekoe and pekoe cut black tea.I'm brewing up a batch now.250 toothpick halves.My hull will be off white so these work perfect for me. Larry
  12. Hello Ron.I have been playing with stains for the toothpicks.I had no luck with stains.So I thought that a tree contains a lot of water.Why not use water based dyes.I made up a very strong solution of" TEA".Four tea bags to a small amount of boiling water.I then added the toothpicks and covered them with the tea bags.I let them stand till they sunk to the bottom,water logged.Took about six hours.I reheated the water several times in the microwave.Let dry(add sugar and milk makes a tasty snack )I think the wood stores have wood dyes and there is Rit Dyes if you need a darker color.I have not tried these. Larry
  13. Christian,the tape is a very good idea and yes I did use an 0.6 mm for the holes and it came out much better. Mark,Thanks for the kind words.It is impossiable for your nails to look worse than mine.How do I know,because if they did the "Ugly Police" would have hauled you off long ago I think I'm getting the hang of it.Now for the toothpicks and how to stain them. Thanks for Everyones Help Larry
  14. I know no one would say it but my treenailing was very bad, down right ugly.I have removed it. In reference to the pictures,it is a fine piece of canvas just waiting for the artist.I wish I knew one.If this does not turn out I'll remove it also.Back to work Larry
  15. Pete I think that was my problem. I used a tapered diamond bit.I'll try again with the right bit.I don't have a draw plate, so it's toothpicks are nothing Thanks Pete Larry
  16. Rusty Yours is great,It makes me try that much harder. Larry
  17. Very nice,Back to the drawing board for me.I'll try to get mine as nice. Larry
  18. Hello Ron and Pete,I really do not know what to do with the treenails.The first couple of pictures show the tooth picks.They just don't look right.To big I think.The other pictures show just the drilled holes.So I'll keep thinking and playing with them. I went to the Goodwill today to look for wood and I found this block of nice wood.I cannot figure out what it's purpose is or what kind of wood it is.It's heavy. Any ideas? Larry
  19. Thank You Augie for your advice.I will add the rock. A few more pictures of treenailing with toothpicks Larry
  20. Ron the first one is the hardest.Yours looks a whole lot better than my first one,which is in the scrap box. This learning stuff is really fun.I feel sorry for thoes that allready know it all. Larry
  21. I got mine from Harbor Freight for $25.The set has 4 drums 1,2,3,4,inch.They use the same type of locking system to hold the paper in.I have had no problem with it.I also use long board sanding paper as this is heavy duty.This is for air sanders they are self stick but I leave the covering on.I get 40 and 80 grit. Best Regards Larry
  22. Augie great job of remembering,I looked at the parts I've done and say to myself did I do that I dont remember. Beautiful work your a pro. Larry
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