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  1. YES! I have this kit in my stash and this is the exact scene I wanted to recreate. However I don't have your 3D printing abilities so I'll make do best I can, yours is looking fantastic!
  2. Fantastic, really enjoying your build. Are you using Titanic PE for the ladders?
  3. I just checked and it is available to buy from scaledecks now (via Amazon), thanks for the heads up. Your build is looking great, this thread will be a great resource when I begin mine.
  4. You folks were correct, frame numbers, using your aid I found this review of the pontos deck -> http://www.modelwarships.com/reviews/misc/pontos/35002wd1-musashi/pontos-review.html That said, I still could not find any reference of these actually being used on the Yamato. Not sure what I'll end up doing. Thanks again, learned something new today!
  5. The kit is Tamiya's 78025. In the pic above you can see the directions to apply the white numbers (the numbers are in the upper right corner of the decal sheet in the pic above) to the deck. It starts at the bow with #12 and ends on the stern with #222. I've not seen these numbers anywhere (including pics of the model at Kure). Kinda curious where Pontos came up with this (what was their source?) and what exactly do these numbers represent? I wasn't sure where to post this, not sure if double posting this over there would be frowned upon or not.
  6. Greetings, been working on the Tamiya kit for a good long while and I've a question that I can't find an answer for (my google-fu is usually strong, but I'm floundering here). I have the Pontos wood deck for Yamato and it came with a nice set of dry-transfer decals, but for the life of me I can not figure what these markings that are applied to the deck are. Anyone have an idea? Much appreciate any help!
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