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About Acker

  • Birthday 03/25/1945

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    Healesville, Victoria, Australia

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  1. Thanks bigcreekdad for your comments. Yes - love the look of natural wood and Swiss pear sounds pretty exotic, I admire your dedication in cutting your own planks. Good luck with your build of Supply, with your experience you will find it a piece of cake.
  2. Hi Thunder, your comment is much appreciated, thanks. Richard
  3. Thanks Jobbie, and well done to you also, your "Supply' looks like it's coming along nicely. Richard
  4. Thanks Chris and Doug (your HMS Flirt is the bees knees) for your supportive comments. Thanks also to the people who left the "likes" - much appreciated. The encouragement from everyone really helped me to carry on and complete the build. Thanks Allan, I enjoyed your philosophical slant but I hate Wasabi!😆
  5. Well guess that's it - finished, I really enjoyed the build. It is far from perfect, I made quite a few mistakes and learned a great deal. I did my best but with hindsight there are many parts that could have been better. With the experience gained I could make a much better job of the next build. Will I do another build - maybe! My thanks to everyone for the comments and grateful thanks to all the other "Supply" builders for their build logs, without them there is no way that I would have been able to complete my build.
  6. Winter is here, lawn bowls finished for the season, time to complete my build. I ordered mounting plinths, some barrels and buckets from the UK. They took weeks to arrive but the "Supply" is now mounted on a plinth and the barrels and buckets located on the deck. The brass "supply" letters that came with the kit looked to big to me to go on the transom, so I glued them to the base and used some vinyl letters for the ships name.
  7. P.S. A few years ago while I was In Sydney, I toured the HMS Endeavour replica in Darling Harbour. It was very memorable and difficult to beleive that Captain Cook and his colleagues and crew went such a distance, spent so long and achieved so much in such a tiny ship. Amazing experience.
  8. Thanks Tararasik, your kind words are much appreciated. The "Supply" is a really nice ship and has a great history. Despite the manufacturers claims I would not class it as a beginners project as the instructions are not really clear enough to follow easily, the later stages of the rigging instructions are particularly difficult to understand. Fortunately for me there were some really good builds logs of this ship and I was able to refer to them when I got into difficulties. A pity you gave up on the "Endeavour", could you not strip off the first layer of planking and start again? It is so good to hear from you in the Ukraine where you have so much conflict and sorrow at the moment. I hope that peace comes soon to the people of your great country.
  9. Thanks for your kind words Bigcreekdad, sorry for the slow reply but have been a bit busy of late. Yes its a nice ship and with a great history, not the best instructions from Caldercraft but well worth the effort and I am really pleased with the way it has turned out. I could not make up my mind which ship's boat to add so I ended up getting a jolly boat and a longboat from Caldercraft. I could not find any contemporary illustrations so went with my own interpretation of how I thought two boats would be stowed on a Royal Navy ship of that period. To me the anchors look too big for the ship but that was what was supplied with the kit! Had a look at other builds of the "Supply" to see how they had arranged the anchors (thanks once again Dfell - your build has been a great help for me. I liked the way you turned the rope around the winch and fed it through the deck, hope you don't mind me copying) and then did my own version. This is how they turned out. Nearly finished! Next I need to mount it on a plinth.
  10. I also found that some of the running rigging crossed or fouled standing rigging in some places, and the lower tops and crosstrees when following the plan. Re-routing the ropes and belaying them to different places was better but there is still a few bits of rigging crossing others and resting on the tops and crosstrees which in real life would not be the case. The running rigging was probably the toughest part of the whole build, not perfect but I did my best. The window gallery still doesn't look right but pulling it off and remaking it would probably do irreparable damage. Will try painting the inner frames white to see if it helps. Now for adding the anchors and boats. I have made up a frame for the boats similar to another build (thanks again Dfell). Really looking forward to this part after all the rigging.
  11. I just could not work out where to connect the top of the rope and the purpose of the "trolley" block at the top. I had now run out of 3mm and 5mm blocks anyway (having spent hours making four 5mm double blocks I didn't relish making any more) and couldn't see the purpose of this part of the rigging so I didn't bother with it. Hope this doesn't upset any of the purists out there!
  12. Not sure but I think I may have uploaded the last set of photographs without reducing them to the regulation size (1600 x 1200) - if that is so then my apologies to the moderators. I found sheet 6 (running rigging) difficult to understand and even after checking out other Supply builds (thanks Dfell and Kiwiron) I still found myself making my own interpretations of some of the rigging. I hope I have not strayed too far from what would be found on a real ship of the period. Part of the sheet 6 was completely incomprehensible to me - see photos below...
  13. Now for further fun and games with plan sheet 6!
  14. Can't believe that my last post was in October 2021! Reason for this is the lawnbowls season started and other interests left no time for ship modelling. Two bouts of covid, one following the other, nearly killed me but even worse it prevented me from playing in the bowls finals and that was really annoying! Recovery took a while but I finally got over the dissapointment of not being able to play in the finals and recently started back on the build. Plan sheet 5 was very confusing. By looking back on the earlier plan sheets and also checking with sheet 6 and referring to other Supply builds (thanks Dfell, Kiwiron, Riverboat and others) was able to work out what I thought was supposed to happen, but it was far from easy. Anyhow the yards and fixed rigging now completed. now completed.
  15. Thanks GrandpaPhil, the likes are much appreciated and encouraging. Enjoying fitting the standing rigging but kept busting the swivel guns off the bow. Note to anyone building the Supply - never mind what the instructions say, don't fix the swivel guns until right at the end! I will have to make new fixings and put them back on later. Also managed to break the very top of the mainmast above the topgallant, have glued it back on but it is now a bit crooked and I might have to remake and fit a new topgallant mast [strong swear word deleted]. Plan sheet number 4 - standing rigging completed, photos following. Now for fitting the yards - plan sheet 5.
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