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Everything posted by marsalv

  1. Thanky you Applying the deck clamp strengthened the hull so I could complete the limber-passage.
  2. Gluing deck clamp, making temporary deck beams to check the location.
  3. Added keelson. This completes the basic hull skeleton.
  4. All the frames are in place, it's time to make the mounts for the stand screws. After gluing the keelson will not be visible.
  5. To contrecerf: In fact, these are square holes - limber-passage - see picture.
  6. To Hubac´s Historian: Thank you for nice comment, but be careful, we're just at the beginning (that was a joke ). The most beveled frames are done, the frames in the middle part don't have as much beveling anymore so it went a little faster.
  7. I decided to finish and fit the frames in the front and back of the model first - these frames require more beveling and I want to get this done as soon as possible.
  8. Making the hawse holes at this stage was a mistake, so I blinded them with a wooden plug and will drill them again after the planking.
  9. Thank you guys for nice comments and likes. I continue with the construction of hawse timbers.
  10. I used 0.6 x 0.6 mm brass wire for nailing the frames.
  11. Now it was the turn of one of the more complicated parts, which I didn't really want to do - the fashion piece.
  12. I agree, I personally don't have very good memories of the judges in Croatia either (I participated there with Pandora). And as for the "new" group of CNC models, maybe that will happen one day, just as a new category for kit models (C8) was established. I wish you a lot of fun building a beautiful model (after all, that's why we build models - for fun).
  13. Hi giampierorcci, I really admire your work and I often look for inspiration in it for my construction. I was interested in your evaluation of the participation in the championships organized by the Naviga organization (I personally saw your L'Amarante model at the championships in Croatia). I agree with you about the part about judging the models by the judges. But what I fundamentally disagree with is the rest. Of course, I can only speak for the participants from the Czech Republic - none of us are professional modelers and no one profits from this activity. And because building models costs us a lot of time and money, we like to "show off" our models at these events. I also disagree with your condemnation of the use of CNC machines, the same would have to apply to the use of normal electrical equipment instead of hand saws, manual drills, etc. Modeling technology is evolving and I know from my own experience that making a top model from a plan even with the use of CNC is not at all that easy matter as it seems at first sight. I personally would not be able to make such beautiful carvings by hand like you. So should I give up my hobby or look for an alternative?
  14. To allanyed: Material used for this part is boxwood. The part is made using a cnc milling machine, which enables precise milling from both sides. The procedure can be seen in the photos in post 8. I continue with the construction of the wing transom.
  15. Thanks to all. Knee of the head. With Le Gros Ventre, I installed the knee of the head only on the already completely finished hull, which caused me a bit of a problem (the gap between the stem and the knee of the head). That's why I decided to make and attach the knee of the head already at this stage of the construction. In this case, the installation went without any problems.
  16. To tartane: - L´Amarante is sloop of war which was designed by J.L. Ollivier. There were three versions that differed only in decoration - La Palme, L´Anemone and L´Amarante. Some information about the ship's history is from the GD monograph - see photo.
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