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Everything posted by BikerMart

  1. I decided, after I had made a start on the hull, to install the lighting kit. Unfortunately, the lighting kits now seem to be out of stock everywhere and so the build has come to a bit of a halt. I was concerned that the hull might be a bit flimsy, but after having got this far, I have ended up with quite a stiff one, No problems were encountered getting to this stage; the fit of the parts was excellent. Having no printed instructions is a pain - but does have one advantage at least - viewing the pdf on, say, an iPad, does allow one to easily enlarge the pictures if more detail is required. Another plus. Whereas, say, the OcCre Montanes comes with NO stand, the Santisima Trinidad comes with TWO - a temporary building stand and a more permanent display stand.
  2. Hull side rails are on. As stated before, double beading from BlueJacket was used in place of strips of 2x2 sapele as suggested in the instructions. I am forming the curved sections of the bulwark capping from laminations of .5mm sapele veneer and not the 2x2 sapele. I was not looking forward to cutting out the section from the hull around the side galleries but that was surprisingly easy. I opted to use superglue to laminate the etched brass sheet to the transom and that went well and I plan to install the transom today. I also plan to attempt making the side rail scrollwork from the brass rod today.
  3. This building slip is no longer on offer ☹️ My wife suggested that it be retained for a grandson who has expressed an interest in ship-building.
  4. I admire your creativity! I plan to pretty much stick to using whatever is in the box; I certainly don't have the skills to fabricate as much as you do. Martin
  5. I found out why I keep starting new ship builds. I have a HobbyZone building slip that doesn't like lying empty. Maybe if I didn't have the slip, I would stop acquiring new kits! Anyone interested in this item for, say, fifty bucks? I have no idea how much it would cost to mail, but I could enquire if there was an interest.
  6. Final hull sanding is still required, but the wales are on. The bulwark capping, too, is fixed in place except for the fiddly bits. It was extremely difficult to edge-bend the 8mm wide strips for the forecastle capping, so I gave up and used 5mm wide strips and planed them to the correct width. Really pleased with my purchase of the 'Veritas' mini-plane. Pleased, too, with the 'micro-shapers' from Artesania Latina. They worked well on the edges of the bulwark capping - although I plan to use double-beading from BlueJacket rather than attempt to shape the rails along the hull from 2mm strips. The hull is partly masked ready for a coat or two of yellow oaker. Question. Part of the back-end consists of a piece of etched brass detail which needs to be laminated to a piece of ply. Any suggestions for adhesive? A contact adhesive maybe? Can anyone suggest a good brand available here in the US? Thanks!
  7. Some movement on Vanguard. Work continuing on the topsides. Almost ready to fix the poop deck in place.
  8. Always a satisfying moment when the last plank is laid. Now for some sanding and then the fixing of the wales. I plan to either copper or paint the hull, so the fact that some gaps and pointy-end planks exist will not matter!
  9. Poop deck added, bulwarks lined and painted. Made a start on hull planking. Quite happy with OcCre at the moment. The model is quite 'chunky' and that appeals to me. Score one for buildability. Historical accuracy? Who cares? Last time I looked, there were no Napoleonic-era ship experts in my family tree.
  10. Decks planked and varnished and inner bulwarks lined. Tonight the bulwarks will get a coat or two of red ochre.
  11. Lower gunport linings added today and a start has been made on planking the deck.
  12. Whereabouts in Michigan are you? I don't know J Bar Hobbies but have used Riders in Flint a couple of times for railroad-related items. I do not know how they fare for model ship-related items. Sadly, good hobby shops are now few and far between. I have got my most recent ship purchases from Cornwall Model Boats in England. Tax- and import duty-free as long as the total amount does not exceed $800. And their service is good.
  13. I am sure that DonSangria is exactly right - 'A' indicates a view from the front and 'B' indicates a view from above.
  14. Added the upper wales today. Tomorrow I will add the upper gunport linings. The cruel lighting makes the planking look rougher than it actually is! Curiously, as I am typing this my wife told me to tell you how wonderful she is and how I don't know what I would do without her!
  15. Montanes pictured next to her old adversary HMS Vanguard. I did not follow the instructions religiously because I wanted to plank the sides and clear out the gunports while I had clear access behind them. I am slowly recovering from shooting myself in the foot. I thought that it would be cool to emphasize the planking ('lining strakes' according to OcCre) by rounding the edges slightly. In the event it did not look good and so I have applied filler. This has now been sanded with 60 grit and the sides are smooth to the touch. Probably a little more sanding is required and then the wales ('rubbing strakes' according to OcCre) will be fitted, followed by the gunport linings - these have been made up separately and are ready to be fitted. The deck planks were laid according to the instructions and, when each plank was laid, I ran a pencil around the edges. This resulted in 'caulking' that is much finer than I had achieved on other ships, where the edges of the planking had been blackened with a Sharpie before being fixed down.
  16. I start off with good intentions but lack the discipline for a build log😒
  17. I am building the Montanes, also from OcCre. It too has these beams and, as far as I can see, they do not serve any great purpose. Once the decks are on and the bulkheads are firmly glued to the keel, I think that the structure will be strong enough that you will not need the beams.
  18. You are so right! My justification, of course, is that having no masts/rigging would make transport easier should I ever get the urge to return to England. An urge that is growing since my daughter produced a granddaughter last April.
  19. Oh dear! I got a bit carried away over the last 18 months or so. I blame Cornwall Model Boats for making it easy for me to purchase kits from the UK.
  20. I agree that some of the metal parts in the kit do leave a lot to be desired! The cannon barrels and carriages are awful, in my opinion. My Montanes build is on hold at the moment while I fit the quarterdeck on my Victory. Your build is coming along very nicely.
  21. The kit instructions do indeed refer to the wales as fenders. This is one of a number of items where the name used in the instructions might not be the same as we are used to. 'Lining', for example, where we might say 'planking'.
  22. I look forward to that review! As if my list of works in progress was not long enough, I feel that ST should be added.
  23. Hmm. A bit too late for a picture as the planking now covers that area of the bulkheads. But yes, I was referring to the plywood strips with the gunport cut-outs. It seemed to me that the steps on the bulkheads would provide a more positive location for the lower strip to be placed first, followed by the upper. Well, that's what I did anyway, and it worked just fine! I am shamelessly copying your method of producing 'boxes' for lining the gunports!
  24. Hi Curt. Not quite, but that's okay! I was referring to the gunport strips rather than the decks. However, I went ahead anyway and fixed the lower strips followed by the middle strips and then the bulwarks. They appeared to fit just fine, and so planking of the hull has started, with those planks around the gunports first. Like you, I haven't fixed the 'backing' to the gunports - I felt that opening up the gunports would be far easier without those obstructions. I haven't fixed the upper deck in place either; I feel that that can be done once the gunports have been opened and lined - again, to provide good access to the gunports. Martin
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