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Everything posted by DaveBaxt

  1. Sorry for the delay in thanking you for your input and can see why making the rabbet might be a very good solution, so thanks for your input. Best regards Dave
  2. Bradley .I will definately give the PVA glue a go. I used speed bond which is a PVA glue which drys clear I did find that if I use it sparingly it does start to hold quite quickly and wipes off if I over do it a bit. Thanks again for your advice.
  3. Bradley .Thanks for that reply and I thought there would be a few reasons why this method is not normally used. I have managed to carry out the first layer of planks by the method you use ie lining off the hull and tapering the planks, hopefully I will get similar results using exactly the same method on the second layer. In your experience would you also use the same glue on the deck planks? Best regards Dave
  4. I will be attempting second layer of planking for the very first time and in Walnut 0.5mm x 4mm and wonder if anyone has tried this and if there are any draw backs. I have found a video of a guy doing exactly this and looks to have made a decent job of it. Let me know what you guys think. He also uses a similar procedure for his deck planks.He makes it look easy . However............. Sorry if this has been discussed in the past.
  5. The Chair looks great. I also like the look of you wood paneling.Thanks for the advice too,much appreciated.
  6. Thanks for that Jerry. I have one question to ask if I may regarding the second planking as I have not done this before. Do I taper the planks as per the first planking and do they need to be soaked to make it easier for bending? I will take a look at your bogs Jerry and see if I can get a few more tips from you. I notice that you have Build the Victory by Caldercraft and wondered what you thought of Caldercraft Kits as I am thinking of the Endeavour by Caldercraft for my next Model. I have always been interested in James Cook as he lived not too far from where I am from and he was always popular with his crew and had a very high survival rate of men due to looking after them.One day I would hope to do something really special as a model once I have learned how to do it properly. Best Regards Dave
  7. I have Mark but had no joy. I did however find one answer in the video ( The link is in a previous post) Thanks for your input which is much appreciated.
  8. I might well do that however I have started the a blog on the Bounty and will probably ask that very question on there. I am nowhere near the rigging stage yet but as I have never done any rigging before and I have what seems like lots of questions. I will ask this again once I am nearer to doing the rigging.
  9. I see where he is coming from. However as it is only the second model I have built I think I will go down the route which is using what is supplied by the kit manufacturers which is the easiest way for me.It is something I will need to consider if I ever decide to scratch build or if the kits I buy are more authentic. Thanks for clearing that up for me and for your input.
  10. I came across this video which clears up the matter. However all though this is the easiest way I am not 100% convinced this is actually the correct way. The part in question is about 7.5 minutes in. Once again your comments would be much appreciated. Thank you.
  11. The Main Scale drawings. HMS Bounty by Amati. There is nothing mentioned in the instructions but looks like pieces have been added as the corners are a bigger diameter and the flats look flush. So I think this would mean that the flats would be filed then flat pieces of wood glued on . Decided to give you a couple of photos of drawings ( Not to scale ) Hopefully it will clear the matter so you can help me decide which is the best way forward. Once again thank you for your input
  12. jerry I have just spent a good while looking at your blog you did of this model. Here is a link for anyone else who is thinking of dong this model. Some very good photos of the progress especially of the different stages of the rigging which has been of great help showing the different stages. Also what turned out to be a superb example. I would be over the moon if mine turns out to be anywhere as good.
  13. Thanks for some great suggestions and some good links. I will also have a look at the blogs you have suggested.
  14. Thanks for that very interesting answer and will come in handy if in the future I am not supplied with dowels. However In this kit all the spars,mast are round. So do I need to add the sides by adding flat pieces of timber or just file the required shape? I just doubled checked. There are 6 sides (Hexagon) so not the normal.
  15. The center section on a number of the yards are shaped to what looks like a hexagon . I Can,t make out from the drawing whether of not they are shaped or is there pieces of wood such as planking strips added to form a hexagon? Is this likely to be some filing to form a flat area to increase the gluing area between the Yard and the added strips of wood? Hope this makes sense.. Best Regards Dave.
  16. Yes I think I am getting there and starting to get a routine going. Hopefully it will be easier for the second layer of planks. Happy new year to you Jerry and thanks again for your input.
  17. Despite my best efforts of planking and now finding the planking bending ok now that I am soaking the planks overnight I am still having a few issues when clickering even after bending the planks edgeways as per Chuck videos. The main thing is I am getting the general shape and after using filler and sanding should be ok for laying the second planks. I have now completed 50% of the first row of planks. As yet I have not had to drop any planks.
  18. Thanks for the quick update Allan. I have bought a few books already but only one on rigging which is written by Lennarth Petersson. Although very good it is drawings only without any text and of one specific ship. I will take a look at the books you have mentioned and hopefully should be available in the UK. Best regards Dave
  19. I know this maybe a big ask but can anyone recommend any good ships blogs with step by step photos of rigging? Even better would be some instruction on how they approached the task? Best regards Dave
  20. Thanks for that John, sound easy and this might be a daft question . So just a length of rope with each end wrapped around the block and the yard and then seized in a number of places at both ends .Best Regards Dave
  21. Noticed that some of these are fitted to the ends of yards.Just wondering if the pendant is a specific part or is it just made up of extra wipping to create a long piece of rope between the yard and the block. Hope this makes sense as I have not done this before and wondered how it is achieved. Best Regards Dave
  22. Beautiful looking fishing boat. Would you recommend this model to someone who is fairly new. Currently on my second model HMS Bounty which is also by Amati.
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