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Everything posted by jct

  1. and last but not least is a little Panzer II, painted in Afrika Korp livery, the tank is complete but I'm still working on the commander figure, this too will receive a vignette base. And that's it for now...how I spent my summer vacation
  2. Next up is a German halftrack used as a armored troop carrier, this is a work in progress as the vehicle needs a little more weathering and the figure painting is not finished. This too will receive a base but something that represents the Russian steppes outside Stalingrad
  3. Didn't do any ships over the summer but did hit the model stash again...drug out some Tamiya military kits, I've had these in storage from the mid 80's. First up is a Sherman representing a vehicle from the 5th cav division late in the war. Kit was built box stock the focus was on paint and weathering, kit figure was done with artist oils. Eventually I'll mount this on a vignette base...probably a cobblestone road
  4. Well if I had another kit laying around I’d consider it, I was digging through the stash again and came up with some armor and other military subjects. Benn besting on some of that stuff
  5. Lol...thx much, got some stuff to post in the non ship section but gotta get some pics first. Not sure what ship may be next, it will be a scratch build though, that I’m sure of. I see you’ve been busy.
  6. Hi Oliver feel free to add anything you would like, but may I suggest you start a log of your own, we would all be interested in seeing your Aglis
  7. Thanks Denis...your right there any longer and I think it really would have been petrified wood! I'll definitely be watching your builds, have you started the second log yet?
  8. Thanks Tom...that's a good question, I still have the Pinta to complete, Hummmmm
  9. Thanks much Ed, glad you enjoyed the build, was great to have you support
  10. A couple shots of the ratlines in process nothing to exciting just a bunch of cow and clove hitches And for the moment you've all been waiting for... my I present for your viewing enjoyment... JUMBO THE CLIPPER... I must say for all trouble early on I think this turned out to be a fairly good looking model, . I'm happy with the overall look and glad I decided to change the rigging, both the style and the dimensions. Though I will say I don't think I'll be looking for any more 50+ year old kits anytime soon! I want to thank all of you who have followed along and taken the time to hit the like button and comment. A special thanks to Popeye for joining me in a dual build, was fun and I hope you all enjoyed it as much as me, and also for poking me to get the build started in the first place, thanks my friend. This will be it for me for a while, RV season is starting up and the road calls.
  11. Whatever the admiral finds on sale...fixed income ya know Port side ratlines are done and stbd side about 1/3 of the way up, shouldn't be long now
  12. I've found that's usually on the way out before you get there...I would of thought two Jumbos would be enough for you while I was building the Hannah a friend kept hinting around that he would like to have it...well they're getting Jumbo
  13. I been on eggshells for the last month I keep tellin' she'll be incarcerated for elder abuse (she's 3 yrs my junior) Nice job on the boom collars the portalls look good too I'm pushin to get Jumbo done this week, as I said early on it's gonna be gifted and I'd like to do that Saturday
  14. Ditto my friend...but at 68 I slam mine down, don't want to run otta time
  15. Thanks Denis...ya she went up quick once all the funky wood was in the rear view, you're adding a lot more detail and changes then I chose to, Jumbo is pretty close to box shock.
  16. Well after a couple days the running rigging is complete... I had included blocks to the yards for the clue lines...as i'm not planning to add sails they needed some attention so I made line stops from small dowels and attached them with a cow hitch here you can see them in the blocks a shot of the fore gaff fore yard another shot of the stops main gaff boom anchor and bow details midships stern masts That's all for today, thanks for likeing and commenting, on to the ratlines and final photos
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