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Everything posted by AdamA

  1. These fashion pieces are finished. I'm not sure I will use the same method for the other side. That was a ton of sanding.
  2. Alaskan Cedar, Boxwood, and a lot more Swiss Pear has arrived.
  3. I'm posting all my steps (even the ugly ones).
  4. Thanks for the tip @allanyed. This is my first scratch build (which would be impossible without this helpful crew).
  5. This will be all three fashion pieces. I tried making them individually but I dont have the geometry talent for all those angles and planes.
  6. The old girl needed some reinforcements between the transoms after the first round of sanding. These will be sanded down level with the seven pieces.
  7. Here they are after a few copper bolts but before sanding.
  8. After I cut out the seven transom pieces I sanded them all to the correct thickness with Byrne's thickness sander. Then, overnight and while wet, I put them all in this jig to give them a slight downward curve. I decided to bend them instead of sanding them to save pear wood.
  9. The rabbet gets close to the bearding line but a sliver of pear survived.
  10. The boarding line is very close to the plank rabbett. That makes me nervous when I'm cutting.
  11. Next I'm carving out the bearding lines. I used the Dremel first, then a 1 inch chisel, then a small file, then several tiny chisels and then scrapers to level everything out.
  12. I enlarged the McKay drawing that will rest below the model for the rest of the build.
  13. Ive got the McKay drawings sized correctly. I'm doing the transoms today.
  14. I bought copper in every form to try to simulate the copper plate. I think I'm on attempt 5.
  15. I attempted some bolts through the fish plate. I may redo it t.omorrow
  16. Moving on to the seven transoms, I notice the plans from Hahn have a larger and more pronounced shape than McKay's. I've decided to use McKay's number and shape of transoms but slightly enlarged to fit Hahn's overall size because it is sexier.
  17. I added the copper mending plate McKay noted in his keel drawings. ⅘
  18. The stern post and transom deadwood are attached to the keel and the angled rabbit has been cut into the stern. The next step is the copper fish mending plate that is bolted into the sternpost and keel.
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