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  1. you clearly love that workshop!! What will you do when you run out of space?
  2. Probably not.. so Shhhhh... let's not tell him, it will be an adventure!
  3. Hey Steven! thanks for the welcome. I will start a build log, to be honest I haven’t started anything yet. It’s still all looking pretty in the box! I am in Busselton in the South West
  4. Hi everyone, I have been on this forum for a week or two now and thought I would get brave and introduce myself. It’s clear from what I have read that this is a great community with a wealth of knowledge and I love the way everyone is encouraging and supportive. I live in regional Western Australia, and as I stated in the topic, I am brand new to this hobby. I have always been a closet model train lover and also love model muscle cars. But I have to admit that the craftsmanship involved in model ship building makes this seem far more personal and each piece is a work of art! I am fortunate enough to have a hands on mentor who suggested this forum to me. I know many people rely on online support only. What started for me as taking an interest and being supportive of his hobby has started to turn into a bigger interest for me... probably just as well as I can see this fast becoming something to be completely immersed in! i will be starting with a kit build which I hope to refine as my skills develop, but I do hope to be able to get to a point where I can build by scratch. As time permits with a few little ones at home to work around still! Maybe I will get brave and start a build log! thanks and looking forward to being part of this forum! Jas
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