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  1. Yeah, I changed the color again. The red just looked better to me.
  2. More than disappointed in the unevenness of the stain. It's not the filler, just wood. But I'm going to leave it until I come up with a solution.
  3. More changes coming, I'm not really happy the way the wood took the stain. But not sure what I can do about it now.
  4. But still a lot of sanding and filling to do! I decided to use wood instead of that crappy piece of metal for the skeg.
  5. Here's a shot of the original planking at the bottom, and the narrower planking I'm going to use.
  6. I had a chance to sand some more, and a couple of coats of primer.
  7. So, I did some rethinking and decided to not use the supplied planks. they're just too wide. Found some a 1/3 narrower and I think they'll look better. So I ripped them off (well, used some vinegar and heat) then finished planking and filling the hull below the waterline.
  8. Proceeding with the usual. I've seen some other builds, and I probably won't be as ambitious as those!!! My original intent was to stain the entire hull, but now I'm not sure that my skill level is currently up for that full reveal. Looks like I'll paint below the Plimsoll line...
  9. Hey There! After a lengthy pause (which was filled by other non-shipbuilding projects) I've pulled out the Dragen from Billings. The level of difficulty was the reason I started the Will Evered. I'm just going through the parts now, and looking at the plans. I've also taken a look at the other builds of the same boat. When building the Will, I often complained about the lack of detail in the plans, and didn't think it possible that any other model would have even LESS information. I was wrong. The building plans for the Dragen leave even more to the imagination!
  10. So I've made a few changes and some progress since I last made an entry. The deadeyes still confound me, and these will be just short of embarrassing (or maybe crossed the line). I've looked for all the tips I can find, and they still look awful. Need to practice. Otherwise, 2nd try at silkspan sails looks much better. I also learned that poly lines suck, so I'll be sticking to more natural material...
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