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  1. Finaly got my deadeys, but now have a new challange and that is sodering. My deadeys are 6, 4 and 3mm I've looked at Youtune and done a lot of tries, but it is a not easy I've made a tool for holding the largest Have finishe one of many
  2. Took some work, but not finished. And I think it is a huge improvment with my new carving compared to the one with the kit. Any suggestion to colors? And yes I'm going to paint the ship bow, just need to get the time to go and visit the same shop again (not in my city)
  3. The bell is in place. Whentthrough what size and how many deadeys I needed, more than I had. The bough a supplement package to the original kit with fittings, canons +++, but that was missing a lot and not very up to scale. So need to buy all blocks (boght some earlier) and other supplemtns for rigging. Also startet with the figure. So this is take 1 and I'll see how many tries before I get it right. 1st time carving.
  4. Making these holes for the disc wheels was challenging. The milling machine did not work, so I had to trill by free hand. Not the best, but ok enough.
  5. I see there is many interpritation on how the bow is suppose to be, both in shapoe and color. So here is mine. I need to get some more stain, same as the rest of the ship.
  6. Finaly got the side "support" (don't know the name) in place. Needed to do some soldering which I haven't done before, but it when ok. Practice make perfect .
  7. The "break" is over and it's back to building and hopefully my personnal distraction is over for some time. Well, trying to finish details on ship outer part. I see there is so many ways of doing these decoration on bow of ship. So I've taken some personnal liberties.
  8. Got a point there. I'll put it on my learning account of what to do and don't
  9. Finished adding the rudder. Learned that neext time it is beeing attached early and before adding deck fittings. Looking at the picture now I might paint top part rudder brown. The only problem is getting the same color. Any thoughts guys?
  10. I screwed up with my order and bought something that I really didn't need. Thank to you Lyle I did another going through my thought and what I had and what I needed. I got stop my order right before it left the shop. Know I'm going through what I really need. So, I have a lath with a mill. What I didn't know or though about was by getting a set of collets other than Proxxon, since what they have are to big. By that I mean my very small drills 0.1-1.0mm which have a base stem of 3mm, which is to small for what Proxxon supplies or what I have. I also saw that it is possible to get a gear tooth chuck (10mm) with adapter that I can fit into my mill. So I've asked for price and delivery of small collets and a gear chuck. It saves me a lot of money and is more accurate than what I've used so far.
  11. Nice work Lyle and great pictures. Just had a more detail look in the book and I agree with you that drawingsit are complicated. So thanks for sharing good pictures. A very good reference when I get to that stage (some time in the future)
  12. Found a Proxxon drill on sale and bought that, online. So nowjust wait.
  13. Nice work LyleK1. In the Armed transport Bount book there is detailed rigging and the figure is descibed as a women in riding clothes. I'm following the book as good as I can, but must admit I'm not sure how accuret the book is since from my understanding there is not to much detail from the real ship building.
  14. Next is the rudder. I accually could use the on in the kit with some modifications. Added on some wood and made som notches for the hinges. I cheated and bought the hinges. Had to paint it several times to get an ok finish. At the same time I'm working on the Timberhead. The challange has been making the hole at the tip. My drill jig is not stable enough. The with of the holes are 1.2mm. So I need to figure how to make them even and parallel. I definitely should by my self a good columnar drill. Need to look around. Anybody have any referance on good ones?
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