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Everything posted by Robp1025

  1. Yea I'm looking something like the AOTS series for the Beagle and the Constitution
  2. Yea I have spent the past couple of days scouting. I sent a pm to amalio(I am spelling their name wrong for sure) who is the only scratch montanes build I have seen to see what they are using for reference
  3. Hey everyone so I'm looking for some resources on the Montanes. It is going to be my next ship and I want to do more justice to it then I did to my beagle and do some real research on the plans and rigging and all. I will most likely be done my Beagle in the next week as I am pretty much there. I am thinking of also purchasing the plans but have no idea where I could purchase it so a link for that too would be awesome.
  4. Alright making some progress after fighting through covid and bronchitis. Finally the middle bunch of rigging is almost done. My next model I'm investing in some good rope and also I am going to dye it and use a glue/water solution for all ropes. The bee wax is working but I still have some issues with the way it looks. But here is some photos. also update on some fun mischief my wonderful birds have done. I need to do some fixes....smh I love my birds but they are destructive little devils some time....could be worse though lol
  5. It's wonderful to have you back in the shop!!
  6. Got the other mast besides the bottom most sails and I am going to work on some running lines and things that would have gotten in the way in place. Also found an issue where I have lost two of the four metal pieces that are for the life boats so can I just submit something OcCre or how does getting those replaced work cause I'm confused.
  7. Getting some sails on and it's not too bad but for sure starting to see the crowding of the rigging lol. But I feel like I'm navigating it pretty well and keeping things organized.
  8. Got some more lines done and got them laying the way I want them too. I look back and not many people are doing this for this model so I couldn't really get an idea what to go off so I used creative license and I think it looks alright.
  9. So I decided middle but thinner would be the way I went and this is my first set of them glued and in place.
  10. So I did a couple of different ones. I need your opinions as to scale
  11. Ok so I think either I am saying the wrong things or being misunderstood either way I understand. The sails will be totally open so therefore not too much rope hanging but regardless I have made a first attempt at a coil but I am going to try a couple different ways to see if I can make the scale better and also make the rope more defined. But I think for the first go it looks pretty nice.
  12. Yep that's the plan though my rope is not great quality so as much as I want it to look that good it will probably look like a fuzzy circle more than a coil lol
  13. No worries I understand completely. As for the sails the plan is to have it at full sail so I think by your logic then their would not be a lot of rope correct? Sorry the terror was rushed because that is never good and when I'm further experienced in my ship building skills I will be more keen on those finer details. I am very appreciative of people like you who do their full research and deep dive into how the model is suppose to be. I look forward to learning from you more and the rest of the community!
  14. Waiting on some single blocks in the mail but here is some more work. All the belay pins are going to have the spun bunch's of extra rope so it will hide a lot of the glued rope on it. Or do you guys know if all the belay pins actually had extra rope on it? There isn't many pictures showing what is going on with the rigging.
  15. Did some work and going and finding these sails to be quite big compared to the videos I am seeing. I made everything 1 - 1 so kind curious why it's off. I compared the sails to the chart and they are the right size so idk maybe I messed up who knows. It is my first ship so it might be my fault possibly. Maybe if someone who did a beagle can confirm if the sails were larger than needed?
  16. Progress and starting to like rigging call me weird lol. Thank you for all the comments and tips as I have been going through this.
  17. You got a beautiful build there my friend. I am going to try and use a diluted modge podge and see how that works. I haven't had my bowsprit snap on my because I didn't do too much tension so that's good lol
  18. Yea I am using the kit thread. I am going to try a diluted moge podge solution that is for fabrics to see how the lines come out.
  19. Top side is the bee wax and the bottom is without. Putting it side by side the bee wax looks better. I'm open for suggestions to any improvement for this. I won't be mounting them until I get to the sails so I have time but justing trying to see what I want to do. this picture is the bee wax one.
  20. Alright so all the running lines are coming together and it's starting to get tight lol. For sure found that I made the right choice with multiple long length and different sized tweezers and surgical tools. Also I redid a bunch of the blocks because the foremast I used thin CA and that made almost the whole length of the string solid but then I decided to try medium and it doesn't have that effect at all and it is much easier to work with. I am also going to do loops of hanging rope on the belay hooks I just need to play around and see how a couple different kinds look to see what I want to keep It's not great because I didn't make my own rope and it's the .15 string so I will for sure want to use better rope for my next model but I wanted try. Any suggests for getting the fraying away? I have been wax but I don't see much difference from using it and not using it
  21. Alright so all the running lines are coming together and it's starting to get tight lol. For sure found that I made the right choice with multiple long length and different sized tweezers and surgical tools. Also I redid a bunch of the blocks because the foremast I used thin CA and that made almost the whole length of the string solid but then I decided to try medium and it doesn't have that effect at all and it is much easier to work with. I am also going to do loops of hanging rope on the belay hooks I just need to play around and see how a couple different kinds look to see what I want to keep
  22. Yea I have a bookshelf with a piece plexiglass over it as a temporary spot I am going to put it until I get a more fitting display for it. @Kevin but while I'm working on it I keep it in my work office which my feathered friends "should" not be in lol. Well besides the repairs I need to do to some of the .... Wow I can't even remember what they are called....lol .... The cross sections of the masts(someone will correct me) I have finished the 1000 knot challenge for the first time!!! Boy I think I can do a clove hitch in my sleep now lol
  23. So the destroyers of ships have been at it again and I got a picture of their attempt.. I am still fixing their last break in to where I have been hiding my ship where they made it fall to the ground and almost break the main mast. Now I walk away for 5 minutes to help my wife and this guy is at it again. It's like they don't want me to finish or something 😤😡🤬
  24. Sorry I have been so quiet but I have been tieing knots.....lots and lots of little knots lol but now that I got the mizzen mast done I can show off some progress
  25. Welp I'm from south eastern so welcome to the club and GO EAGLES!!!🏈
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