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Everything posted by Robp1025

  1. Small update because wow this is quite tedious lol. Still tying knots...maybe even in my sleep lol 2.75 of 10 shrouds done
  2. Off to a good start for sure!! I would make sure to have some back up small parts like deadeyes and eyebolts ready. As I went through the build and am on rigging now I found I ran out of eyebolts and deadeyes. They also only provide exactly enough of the brass rods you will need so it would be good to get some extra of that as well.
  3. If you have any questions feel free to post them. These guys are awesome here and if you can put up a log I would like to follow!!
  4. Alright one of 6 done!! It looks a lot better as I continued so I think my other 5 will look crisp 💕💕
  5. Oh boy do these knots not want to stay in place lol. I'm measuring like 5times before I put glue down to make sure they are good. But is truly is satisfying to see this come together And with each one I feel I am getting better and better for sure!! Yes I know I should glue till I know it's spaced all the way up but I should fit 24 on at 4.5 mm intervals which was triple checked. But if it doesn't come out right I'll make sure to not glue till the top. My biggest problem is the tension I have keeps faltering as I was getting up to the 4th and 5th one so I had to stop and glue them down to keep the look I wanted.
  6. Alright half way through the base of the shrouds then it's on to ratlines. This is really starting to get into some detail. I can't lie getting each one if these is like a milestone for each one because they are their own little project each set. It for sure is good fuel to keep me going through the grind.
  7. Can anyone tell me the normal distance between ratlines or is it just how much of a masochist I'm feeling at the given time
  8. So far not as bad as I thought it would be. Slow is the process but I'm enjoying it for sure!!!
  9. Alright so finally my months and some work on and off on these masts are finally done!! What you guys think about my progress?? It's time to do some research on rigging because this is going to be my first time rigging. 😅😅😅
  10. So after quite longer than I wanted I finished the masts and will mount them tomorrow and finish some of the major things I have held off. Thank you all for your patience!!
  11. Any idea how long the presentation is? I want to join but do have things to do that Saturday
  12. Alright so finding my groove with when I'll be doing work on my ship has been a weird experience but I think I might start being a weekend crafter atleast so started today on some work with finishing up the main mast core and working on some yards. it came out pretty good I feel but looks a little off in the picture. When it's actually glued though it will be straight lol. will probably finish these yards by end of the weekend and start on the last mast before the part that scares me the most of this whole project.....making my huge sausage fingers try to rig this delicate piece of art...lol
  13. Hey welcome back friend!! Yea my progress has been slow on mine because life went crazy on me but it's better now
  14. So, a few major life events out of the way in the past 2 months and now I can finally get back to building. So here is where I left off with the main mast. So let the project continue!! Lol
  15. Possibly but I'm not sure I would take that time lol
  16. You are quite right I just need to find what works best for me. I think I'll just stick with acrylics for hulls and I can stain the other parts of the ship cause it worked well with the masts and was even. But as soon as you add filler and sanding it just is a free for all with stain what it will do.
  17. That's not a bad idea thank you!! I will be trying some scrapes from now on and testing before doing anything it's the glue that keeps screwing me up because I think I sand it all down and it just shows right through so yea lol
  18. It's a nice log so far my friend. Interested to see what your current progress is!!
  19. Finished on the boats now back to the masts. Wanted to take a break from them because I was going to fast and skipping steps and having to redo things. the staining underneath is kinda messed up but it's a lesson learned to just use acrylic paint instead of trying to be fancy. Would thinning out the acrylic let the separations of the planks show so it looks like wood? Because that's the only problem I have with it is that it doesn't really show wood details it's just a layer over everything.
  20. Alright so I'm sorry I have been MIA but I got hit with change of Job and all sorts of things to stop my progress but I got a little bit done. Went back to the life boats and started getting them squared away. one issue I am having is the wood no matter how much I sand keeps staying frayed like this I don't know how to stop this so any suggestions or tips would be appreciated!!
  21. Oh no dont open this forum post to the star trek/star wars confrontation lol. It's all starwars models in the back.
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