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Everything posted by kramer

  1. Not a bad repair. I couldn't be much more precise. The lining strakes will cover a lot of it thankfully.
  2. Not sure how this will play out. I might have to trim the bulwarks where they meet at the bow. Seems to come to too much of a point.
  3. I just caught a mistake. I wasn't supposed to cut out the deck planking where the frames meet the deck. I might try to cut out some pieces of plank to fill this in.
  4. Bulwarks are on! Not the cleanest, but I'm pretty happy. It was a bit nerve-wracking doing this for the first time. I learned a bit along the way. Seems to be fitting ok.
  5. Prepping the bulwarks. I tried using clamps to test holding them in place but couldn't keep them from rotating. So I decided on nails and wood glue. I've read some people don't really like nails or think they're necessary but I didn't see any other way to do it.
  6. Faired today for the first time. Hard to know how much is enough. I kept checking it with a plank and felt better and better about it. I hope I faired enough. I had to experiment with just sanding, scraping with a blade, and using a chisel. Chisel definitely worked best to take off bigger sections but as you can see I left a few gauges. I'll sand a little more tomorrow to smooth it out but so far feeling pretty good about it. I'm sure I'll become more of a perfectionist as I learn.
  7. I need to invest in some rubber bands. Soaked the pieces for about an hour. They weren't as pliable as I thought it would be but seems to be bending fine.
  8. IMG_0044.HEIC Sorry...thought I did. Trying again.
  9. It's coming along...slowly. Not as much tie to work on it when the weather is nice. Next step is to sand down the supports and hull and frames then on to planking. I'm looking forward to this step. I've been reading a lot and watching videos, but I wanted to ask the group if there was a definitive, easy to follow step by step guide for beginners? There's lots out there. Thanks. IMG_0044.HEIC
  10. Looks great! I'll follow your build closely. I'm sure you have a lot of pointers that'll help me along the way. I've only put about 3 hours into my Albatros so far. Lots to do. Thanks for all of the pics.
  11. Thanks to all the well-wishers! As promised, I started my Albatros today.
  12. Day 1 of my first build! Still have some cleaning up to do and sanding. I've seen quite a few others who started with the Albatros so I feel I'm in good company. This will be slow going as I'm facing a bust spring and summer, but I'm looking forward to getting into it. Thanks! Kramer
  13. Hello everyone! I'm starting my first model today! I just finished school and my wife told me I need to get a hobby to occupy my new-found free time or I'd drive her nuts. I like wood working (not very good at it), but I don't have a lot of tools and there are only so many boxes and tables I can build. Model ship building seems like a great hobby. And I'm an American Revolution buff, so I'd like to explore that time period. I'm starting with the Albatros by OcCre. I found a site in California, Ages of Sail (https://www.agesofsail.com/), who have been very helpful getting me started. I've seen on the forum that a lot of people have started with this model, so I think I made the right choice. Joining the MSW has been extremely educational. I'll start a build log today. It'll be slow going, but you have to start some time. Thanks for admitting me to the forum. Kramer
  14. Hey Spooky, I just joined MSW today and am also starting the Albatros by OcCre as my first build! Seems daunting. I'll be following your progress intently. I'm sure there'll be a lot of lessons I will learn from your build. Thanks for posting.
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