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  1. I applied a different kind of ladder for the forecastle grating entrance. Also, unlike GH1, for GH2 I am applying structural enforcements along the midship area hull.
  2. For the quaterdeck entrace of GH2, I am keeping the basic design on GH1 - basically an open entrance with more covering on both sides.
  3. Hello shipmates~! It has been almost too long since my last post. I am getting much more busy at work these days (until 1st quarter next year at least) and can manage very little time at the ship yard. Anyway, the below are some updates on GH2 that I managed to get done after my last post. For the forecastle entrance area, I am deviating fundamentally from GH1 - basically GH1 was just a wall with 2 doors, for GH2 I am applying more or less open entrance area.
  4. Hi Patrick, Thanks very much for your valuable insight! You having gone through the process of not using pins and arriving on above conclusion gives me much to think about. I will take your advise and will re-evaluate my decision of not using any pins for GH2. As always, much appreciated!! Best Regards, Rock
  5. Hi All, I am trying to figure out how to get some reference belaying drawings for pre-pin ships from RMG site, as Allan advised me on my previous threads. So far, I have not found any and I plan to contact Allan directly for more guidance, but I would appreciate any additional advise on the belaying methods of pre-pin ships as I am considering to do without belaying pins for my GH2. Best regards, Rock
  6. Thanks very much, Robert!! My ship modeling activities are still on-going, just having longer interval between posts due to circumstances~ Rock
  7. Now the progress pictures - I took pictures only on the works where I applied different (from GH1) methods, styles and/or materials. I am applying darker colours in GH2 - the grating has been dyed with walnut colour (vs. no dye, light wood colour in GH1), gun port rims also dyed with walnut paint, cannon carriages also used darker wood with different methods (smaller). GH2 overall theme would be darker colour, less decorative painting, slimmer design and etc. My next interim report may also take some time as I plan to report only on those areas where GH2 differs considerably from GH1.
  8. Hello All~ It has been really long since my last update on GH1. I have been working on GH2, but progress has been extremly slow as it has been quite a busy half year at work. I originally planned to post the progress report on GH2 at one go, with all the hull/deck related work finished. However, I think that would make my next progress report due sometime around the end of the year. Therfore, I decided to put forward an interim report on GH, just highlighting the different methods/styles that I am applying to GH2. First, the GH2 pictures that show the progress level before I began working on GH2 again at the beginning of this year. I have posted these pictures in this thread sometime in 2022 (I think). But, to make things easy for everyone (including myself), I am reposting here.
  9. Happy New Year~! I have finished all the hull & deck related work last week. Instead of starting the mast & rigging work on GH1, I decided to work on GH2 for a while - plan to finish the hull & deck work on GH2 before resuming work on GH1. I plan to apply different style, deck configuration, colour schemes and etc for GH2. I will be posting the work on GH2 only on the areas that do not duplicate the previously posted work streams. Below are some pictures taken from the last hull & deck work on GH1. Also posted are some pictures with unfinished masts put in place.
  10. Hi Robert~ Thanks for your comment! I blackened them chemically. I usually put the chemical in a small plastic holder and put it in a bigger container that has hot water in it. This way, the chemical process happens almost instantly and I can save time and the amount of chemical to be applied. Hope this clarifies~ Rock
  11. The cannon work begins with single blocks (without hooks) being attached and rigged to the cannon carriage. There will be no hooks attached to these single blocks as there are not enough space to have hooks on boths ends - won't have room for tight rigging. The double blocks that are connected to the inner hull wall and to the other end of the rigging have been constructed with hooks. The demi-culverins are installed in a slightly different configurations - 2 cannons fully deployed, 2 cannons on a stand-by positions.
  12. Hello shipmates! I am nearing the end of 1st phase (completion of hull structure) of the GH1 construction. The only areas left for the hull work are the installments of cannons and the main mast knighthead. I have included just a few pictures of the main mast knighthead as there were ample pictures presented during the fore mast knighthead construction. The main mast knightheads are not fixed to the deck as final fixing to the deck will be done after the cannons are all installed.
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