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  1. Many thanks for those replies... just what I wanted
  2. I am painting Amatin HMS Pegasus. The box illustration shows the lower mast sections in bright yellow. This is also shown on other kits for 18C ships. (ie..Vanguard) I have started to paint with Caldercraft/Admiralty Yellow Ochre and while it looks like a better colour to me, it is by no means the bright yellow proposed. Can anyone comment on the authenticity of this bright strong yellow on lower mast sections late 18C..?. If it is just a marketing picture along with the white hull bottom craze I will ignore it and stick with Caldercraft Yellow Ochre....but maybe it was a "thing" at the time..? Appreciate advice from an informed researcher
  3. Hi Loracs..looking really good congratulations. I am not understanding what you mean by this line quoted above...and should get it clear before I start Fishooks (John)
  4. the additional mast height completely avoided any shroud fouling
  5. The problem with the shrouds fouling the topsides is not your fault, nor is it the channels. It is simply that the masts are 11% too short at the scale and this is enough to cause the problem. After seeing your issue I checked that when I got to it and found that was the cause. The kit is good, but far from perfect. I lengthened all my mast sections to avoid the issue. AOTS talks about the construction contractors about 1520 describing the mast as more than 150ft long. .if you scale that down you can see the problem.
  6. One factor working against you is that the kit masts are shorter than the correct scale by 51mm. I dont suggest this would be enough extra height to clear the side rails but it could only help. I am planning to add in the 51mm to the lowest section of the mast and then see what the effect is.
  7. Ron

    Very late to this comment but congratulations on your beautiful "Revenge" . Can I please ask you two questions ( is there a build log..?) 

    1. How did you arrive at the decision not to paint the hull below the waterline white... ( I agree)

    2. what finish did you use on the hull


    Thanks for your advice, and congrats on a beautiful Revenge

    Fishooks (John) 

    1. hollowneck



      Thank you for your nice comments.

      I did not do a Build Log for my Revenge.

      I decided to not paint the lower hull for purely aesthetic reasons; in terms of historic accuracy my decision may- or may not - be accurate. During this early era the details are often paintings and not nautical drawings. I attempt to create my models too appear to be authentic however, I don’t sacrifice aesthetics for the sake of absolute fidelity: I really liked the beautiful shape and wood tone of the Revenge’s hull!

      I typically plank all my Age of Sail models in Swiss Pear and use a natural stain (Minwax brand). For finish I also use a Minwax Wipe-ON POLY(urethane) in satin (not gloss). As you can see from my other models, I prefer the look of natural woods and use very little or no


      I hope my answers are helpful. If you’re starting a build of the Revenge, you’ll find it an excellent kit and greatly satisfying.




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