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Very late to this comment but congratulations on your beautiful "Revenge" . Can I please ask you two questions ( is there a build log..?)
1. How did you arrive at the decision not to paint the hull below the waterline white... ( I agree)
2. what finish did you use on the hull
Thanks for your advice, and congrats on a beautiful Revenge
Fishooks (John)
Thank you for your nice comments.
I did not do a Build Log for my Revenge.
I decided to not paint the lower hull for purely aesthetic reasons; in terms of historic accuracy my decision may- or may not - be accurate. During this early era the details are often paintings and not nautical drawings. I attempt to create my models too appear to be authentic however, I don’t sacrifice aesthetics for the sake of absolute fidelity: I really liked the beautiful shape and wood tone of the Revenge’s hull!
I typically plank all my Age of Sail models in Swiss Pear and use a natural stain (Minwax brand). For finish I also use a Minwax Wipe-ON POLY(urethane) in satin (not gloss). As you can see from my other models, I prefer the look of natural woods and use very little or no
I hope my answers are helpful. If you’re starting a build of the Revenge, you’ll find it an excellent kit and greatly satisfying.