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Everything posted by Barbossa

  1. Hi Ray, Jasseij, Tim and Mark, It feels good to be back and catching up with all you fine people and thank you all for showing interst. Hope to post next update very soon, regarding : - hull fittings - bow section and then move over to the ships boats. Jasseij : This evening "family meeting" , and the topic is "kitchen furniture & equipment" This should be fun....
  2. Hi Sjors : To be honest , the most of the work (regarding the house) is done by others (masons, carpenters,...) but this still requires some follow-up. So if you combine those activities with a full-time job, well there's not much time left for shipbuilding, I'm afraid The good thing is that I'll dispose of a dedicated hobby-room, (room for a lathe and other stuff...) so who knows what the (far) future will bring : still more ships !? Indeed, HMS Diana is a raher big ship (120 cm) but I understand that in addition to Le Mirage and San Ildefonso you're planning for HMS Agamemnon.... Perhaps this is a subject for a topic in the "general discussion" section : what is to become of our finished builds ?
  3. Hi Andy, Just consulted Ed T 's Naiad : as always, whenever I visit a scrath-build log I get the same feeling : a severe lesson in humility. But there's hope : if I got it right the pics of the Naiad show that the center part of these rails is "bumping up" instead of "sinking in" if you like. So a small strip of card painted in blue could suffice. Thanks for your input Dag/Bonjour Pierre, Went through both of your buildlogs several times . For the known reasons at present I can return the compliment : very nice work. I wish there were more Belgian co-citizens on this forum.
  4. Hi Here's the idea behind the bow modification or at least the effect I wish to gain.
  5. Hallo Anja, It is a pleasure to be back again. Regarding my exam for the bilingual status : I'm expecting the news ( be it good or bad ) this week or the next week coming. Underneath the reason for the delay ( regarding my build ) As you can see : still a lot of work to do....
  6. Hi Timmo, Thanks for showing interst : the pillars are made af 0,8 mm brass wire that I overpainted in a matt white color using Enamel Humbrol. Then I fixed this on the blue painted quarterdeck and transomparts.
  7. Hi people, at last an update ( it was about time) but referring to previous posts, life was getting a bit in the way of shipbuilding. First an apology and a warm greet to Timothy : usually, I always respond to replies on my posts but unfortunately I oversaw yours. Aside I’d like to dedicate this post to Ray : your Diana is going to be a superb model as well as you buildlog is and I wish I could explain all those different building episodes to all members as good as you do. Anyway : back to topic and here’s some points of interest regarding the actual status : The rope coils : I know, they are to be secured alongside the gun carriages but I as I put some effort in this detail, I wanted it to be visible The barricade assembly : instead of square supports, I preferred round ones For Ray : The bulwark pin rails, especially part 77, I had to shorten it and sacrifice one hole, otherwise it was not possible to insert it between the guns. Also, please mind about the emplacement of the eyebolts that are to receive the blocks for the gun carriages. If you are to fix the bulwark pin rail, there’s not that much space left in the “open bulwark” version. The ships wheel : I preferred a brown color instead of painting this part in white Regarding the last pic : it is puzzling my mind since a long time but what about adding a small blue strip to both curved rails (upper and lower) on the bow section . Someone any thoughts or ideas on this ? to be continuated (more pics)
  8. Hi Ray It is a pleasure to follow your progress. Whenever I go through your log, I hear my Diana calling for attention. Just in case : perhaps you took already this precaution to compare the position of the gunports of the quarterdeck with the(main) channels.
  9. Hi Sjors, For several reasons life came in between this wonderful hobby and me. One problem is already solved and is related to professional business. As you know Belgium has aside from Dutch also French and German as official languages. Having Brussels as working place, a bilangual status can be pretty rewarding in your c.v. Therefore you must succeed in an official examination or contest if you like. The third and last part of the contest occured this morning. I won't bother you with the details but I'm confident regarding the result. So very soon you'll hear of me. Please, sent my regards to Anja.
  10. Thank you Mobbsie and Kevin for your kind words. To Anja and Sjors I would like to return the favour as I understand that tomorrow is a special day for every Dutchman. And I hope you will enjoy tomorrow day as much as I did today. If whether or not you will sing along the "Koningslied" , well... I'd rather not go into that debate. Regarding my Diana : it is a huge cliché but life is getting a bit in the way lately but I hope to resume my activities very soon.
  11. Hi Andy, thanks for showing interest. Illness (nowadays the "Flu" has epidemic proportions ) witholds me from resuming my build, hope to be back very soon.
  12. Hi Ray, I'm confident you'll get plenty of satisfaction & fun out of this kit. As your previous build is already on the shelf, I must admit that building instructions are -in my opinion- a bit "antique" compared to HMS Pegasus explanations, but there's nothing you can't handle. Just one thing : the only serious "roadblock" I encountered is the position of transom supports : please pay attention that you don't fix them too high. By consequence, you might end up with quarterdeck galleries that are too high and some decoration rails that need to be fixed just above the same quarterdeckgallery just not might fit.
  13. Hi Aldo, it took lots of measuring, comparing, checking,...and only gluing/fixing when I was 100% satisfied and obtained the expected result. With this open bulwark thing, I took a bit of a gamble, but the endresult made it all worthwile. Let's hope the best for the rigging stuff, hmmm......
  14. Hi Tim & Aldo : thanks for your appreciation Another thing that depends of your appreciation are the (relevant) pics I managed to recover, there's about 40 pics. I must admit that it is less than I expected. But the open bulwark thing is amongst them, so that was the good news
  15. Likewise Mort, All accessoires came from Cornwall-Boats, they have figurines in different scales but within the 1/64 scale you have 2 possibilities : -1 set of 6 Amati figurines - 6 individual figurines I guess 12 sailors should suffice to bring your Snake "to live" Andy, The most recent ones can be recovered, I'll see what I can do
  16. Thanks, Joe & Sjors It's good to be in touch again with all you fine people. Still have to find my way, but I like this new edition . (Hi Andy, also trying to put you on my friends list) My stern is desperate for at least one lamp, tried to make it from scratch but there I encountered my own limitations, I'm afraid. So aside from some extra canons, I ordered for some figurines and also a set of lamps.
  17. Hi All, Only when I encountered some difficulty while trying to login, I realised what happened last week. By re-signing in I'd like to support and express my respect & gratitude to all Adminitors who are putting lots of effort and commitment into this site. Some data are lost but worse thing may happen in life, I guess. Anyway, here's my actual status : As I chose for an open bulwark build, one of the consequences was that I had to adapt the dimensions of the gunports at the quartedeck. Meaning : now they are all the same and the only carronades left are the ones at the foremost position. Therefore I ordered for some extra 9lb guns which I intend to fully rigg. Greetings to you all Christian
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