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Everything posted by Hashir

  1. Hi Personally I like to use Sakura Wood Carving Set for carvings so small. I think they are actually made for fine arts. These chisels are handy and made with excellent grade steel. However, you don't seem to have any problem. The results are brilliant!
  2. Hi. Allow me to say I've been eyeing the Riva Aquarama since 2 years and I intend to "scratch-build" the same in the future. As NEAR as possible. But currently I'm wholly inexperienced. Currently ripping woods to gain experience.
  3. Hi Please forgive my ignorance as I'm new in this. Brand new to be exact. But how strong is a cardboard ship going to be? It has a LOT of fine details that are so brilliant but wouldn't the cardboard compromise its life?
  4. Thanks for the advice, Allan. Really helped me make my mind. While I was cutting strips for planking, I noticed that 3mm thickness wood strips were not easy to bend over the bulkheads. I wasn't interested in steam-bending them so that's why. I'll try to start a log and post pictures of how I'm progressing.
  5. Hi. I am doing a scale model for MAERSK Triple E Shipping Container. The Model will be painted so planking details are not so important. Just wanted to ask if the overall dimensions of the ship are 36"L x 6"W x 3"H (Hull Only), what thickness plank should I be using? I opted for 1.5mm but while planking I began to have second doubts. Would really appreciate to receive suggestions...
  6. Hi, New her. Actually new to model ship building. Absolutely loved your work.
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