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Everything posted by mhegazi

  1. Great progress Juan looks great , following with great interest Keep up the great work Mohamamd
  2. Thank you Brin fir your nice comments about the brass parts , I have a friend who has a mini lathe , and he was kind enough to let me use it , and thank to your help and info I could get the parts in the right scale and yes , i scrach built the capping peices on the side walls , i tried to bend the kit's original pieces , but i forgot them boiling untill the water dried out and tottaly burned pinting the engine was an idea i got from john's build ( i beleive ) I got it all now rigged , but the Rope ladder's steps are not done so far , will post the pics as soon as possibe I have a job now in hand , but as soon as I can , I'll scrach build ( el Nina ) , I have this thing with that ship hopw all is well with you and all in MSW Mohamad
  3. Hello MSW Here goes that latest with my Mare Nostrum I almost finished the wood work , the fittings and the coating I also build a display stand still have the rigging job that hopefully will be carried out later tomorrow with all your building logs I could add no more , gratefully , thanks u all IN MSW for all the help you offered Brian , if you meant by "plinth" the horizontal bar over the mast , it must be there ! and also , the rack of the boxes turned out to be high , i had the take it out and reduce it's height , u were right Will miss your comments Dear John Mohamad
  4. MY condolences to you Suzan and the family Rest in peace John , you were such a nice guy , encouraging and helping with love you will be missed Mohamad
  5. Hello Brian things around here feels like loooong loong Mexican soap opera , but i'm progressing as well in my build ( slower than you ) , put following what's going on , actually I liked the idea of covering the plywood sides with a black pen ! The plinth is not in my kit , actually I got used to miss things on the kit , there lot of these 1 mm brass bars missing , I used 1 mm copper from an electricity wire to keep on going on ! missed the mahogany veneers , 5 mm walnut sticks , engine's internal chimney , the ladder sides , the wench brass handles and god knows what else. i thought that this was only in my kit , but it's common anyway , I really like your ship , it's becoming one of fine Mares in the forum Regards
  6. thank you John and Brian as for the boxes , they are not on the same length ( the 29 mms ) and they will look like a mess when they are but together in place , but the sides are perpendicular , i used an aluminium L shaped angle to place the sides till the glue dries , and it worked just well as for boxes support , I calculated it's height ( given that i'm using sticks that I milled 2 X 5 mm cross section to build the boxes ) 8 boxes , the height of each box is 8 mm ( 2mm base thickness + 5 mm sides + 1mm for box's grip ) it would give 64 mms in total for the boxes and i added and extra .5 cm on the top , and but the number of horizontals , i worked on 3 mm vertical stick witha 3mm spacing in between . and i'll cut the extra length from the bottom as for the verticals , in the beginning i used 4 verticals (2 X 2 mm ) , but it felt so weak and very breakable , so i decided to support it with an extra two 2 X 5 mm verticals I think it all will come to shape when it's assembled and about the plans , i'm not sticking to it down to the very mm of it , guess i have that since i was playing with ( lego bricks ) back in the 60's thank you for dropping by gentelmen & enjoy your build Brian Mohamad
  7. Hello again MSW here comes more of what i've been doing the past 2 weeks the kit came missing several brass pieces , i had to do some , bought a 7mm brass rod and manages to do the rollers with a hand drill and a saw - cheated for a lathe about the wood work , all came out well , put the boxes were not accurate +/- 1mm , they will look very naive i think I'll redo them when i buy a sanding table the pieces are still unfinished and need sanding for the glue remains
  8. Hello again MSW here comes more of what i've been doing the past 2 weeks the kit came missing several brass pieces , i had to do some , bought a 7mm brass rod and manages to do the rollers with a hand drill and a saw - cheated for a lathe about the wood work , all came out well , put the boxes were not accurate +/- 1mm , they will look very naive i think I'll redo them when i buy a sanding table the pieces are still unfinished and need sanding for the glue remains
  9. very interesting build John the stairs and the windows are exceptionally accurate , awesome
  10. and there's where I was few weeks back Of course , I ran out of the Mahogany veneers , so i bought a sheet of the same color and used a surgical blade # 11 to cut the 5mm's also bought a walnut wood and manged to come up with 4 , 5 , 6 X 1.5 mm sticks and also missing a lot of the brass small pieces that didn't come with the kit , but , I'm managing
  11. Hello MSW Before all, I really would like to thank everyone here , for all the help and guiding they provided to me , even without knowing that I do exist Business has been going slowly in Egypt due to the ongoings , so , i decided to do something to spend quality time , and your site was very inspiring. I did choose the Mare Nostrum to start with , build up my tools and learning how to go around things. I got several pics to attach , though my camera is not of that high resolution as it should , but , it gives an idea about what has been going on thanks alot again everybody in MSW again Mohamad
  12. Nice work Dusty , looks nice Doc I also found those docs and have then in the to do stuff http://shipmodeling.uw.hu/santisima/index.htm & http://usuarios.arsystel.com/naviost/nst/planos.htm best of luck
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