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  1. Gun ports on portside are all fixed. Cleaning up railing with what I have as well. Next is the starboard side.
  2. Thank you John, Jim and Don for your advice and encouragement. Right now I’m fixing the gun ports since I have the parts and it should be straight forward. I noticed something strange in the back of the ship and would like to know how to remove this wood panel (see picture). Seem like someone not knowing the ship just put it there. I tried to remove it but it was glued well and I am afraid of breaking the ship if pushing too hard. Thanks.
  3. Hi, I’m a new member to this forum and this is my first attempt at wooden ship building. I have some experience with plastic model before (airplane, tank, car) but never dare to attempt a ship build before. The rigging (even for modern ship) scares me away. Yet I’ve always been a ship fan especially those sailing ships. Years ago I visited the San Diego maritime museum where they displayed lots of ship models and wished I could work on one. Well, after searching on the internet, I came across a lot of scratch builds or kits that required wood working skill, which is way out of my league. So I gave up on making one myself - If I came across this forum then, a different outcome would have taken place About a month ago, I came upon a wooden ship built log by chance and it sparked my interest again. With some modeling experience on my belt, I thought I could give it another try. Not knowing where to buy wooden ship kit, I searched on ebay and craiglist and came across a half built HMS Victory, a perfect chance to get my feet wet. The hull and deck have been built though there are evidences that it was damaged from a fall (dented hull, etc). It was offered for what I thought a great deal so I drove 2hrs to pick it up, and here I am. in an effort to find info on the ship, I came to this forum, stared my new member into and my first half build log. I got warm welcome from several members, and they helped me identify the manufacturer of my model. Here are the pictures of the ship when it came to my home. My plan is to clean up the damages, verify the available parts and decide how to proceed without a manual. Some of you will say that this is no project for a beginner and I’m well aware of that. My goal is to being persistent and start learning to get this done. It might take awhile due to life obligations , but the ship is in a place where I can work on it whenever I got time, so that’s a good start IMO.
  4. Thank you Phil
  5. Thank you everyone for your help. With this level of support, I’m sure I can get it done. First step for me is to clean the ship up - it has quite a bit of minor damages seem to come from a fall. Then I can work on the rigging. Was able to find a rigging manual online from a different Victory kit as Mark suggested.
  6. I got it on craiglist- awesome find btw - but the owner doesn’t know either. From measuring the model vs. Victory true size, it’s about 1/75 scale
  7. I tried to look for any manufacturer name but can’t find any. Only the cloth for the sail and the rigging are not touched but there isn’t any name on them.
  8. I go by Tin. Yes it’s my first. At least I don’t have to work on planking for this one
  9. Thank you for allowing me to join the group. I love ship in general and sailing ship in particular. I wanted to get into building wooden ship model for a long time but didn't know how. Luckily I was able to obtain a wonderful half built HMS Victory. The ship is in fair condition and comes with all the parts but without instruction. I hope to join this group and have support to get me through the completion process. I don't know the brand of the model, so I put few pictures of the ship. Hopefully, the experts here can help identify it or refer me to a good manual to continue the build. Thanks!
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