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Dutch HWS

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  1. Hi guys, I was wondering where and how the crew would accesss the bridge (Trumpeter part E3) from the inside of the ship. So I could drill a hole at the right spot and place an inclined ladder? Would that be feasable? Could you help me here? Thanks a lot already.
  2. Thanks Greg, for your great help. I just started with the portholes. I will need my time, and probably grow more questions later on.
  3. Thanks for welcoming me into this group. This post is a true goldmine of tips and expertise by RGL and so many others. Beautiful. The hull looks great with the plating effect. I was wondering if you leave the yellow or in this case red tape bands along the hull after you apply the grey primer coat? Or do yo remove it and hope the primer edges give the desired plating effect? Could you advise me how to achieve the plating effect? Thanks already for your help. Friendly regards, From Dutch HWS,
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