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Everything posted by HIPEXEC

  1. I lashed and stowed the ship's sweeps under the longboat. That finishes the longboat. Enough with the longboat already!
  2. I finished painting the ship's sweeps. When dry I will bundle them in two bundles of eight and tuck them under the longboat and lash them down.
  3. I shaped the ship's sweeps. Three of them broke while sanding! Oh the crappy wood in this kit! I'll paint them tomorrow.
  4. Jesse Lee, I'm like you and have been dealing with stage three cancer since Jan 1. It's no walk in the park and I didn't work on my boat for six months. Hang in there. I love your build.
  5. Thanks Jesse Lee. How are you doing? Nice comments from you are most welcome. Your work is fantastic!
  6. The longboat is finally finished! I added a water cask and mooring line. nothing is glued down so I can remove any or all the boat components. I'll make the ship's sweeps next.
  7. I made the longboat tie downs from elastic cord I bought at the bead store. This way I can take the longboat on and off at will while it stays snugly tied down when on.
  8. I finished the long boat oars. Now I'll make the ship's sweeps then tie the whole thing to the deck.
  10. Slow but sure I'm trimming out the longboat. This is the fifth week of working on it!
  11. I had some small boat chocks left over from another kit that I modified to fit this longboat. They work fine.
  12. The paint I used for the inner hull of the longboat is: Model Master #1735 color: Wood I bought it at Hobby Lobby
  13. I painted the outside of the hull white and painted the inside wood colored. For the picture I dry fitted some stained pieces and it looks ok to me.
  14. I stained the inner parts and the inside of the hull. The hull had too much smeared around PVA glue from installing the ribs so the stain is not even. I bought some wood colored paint and will paint the inside of the longboat when the stain dries.
  15. I've dry fitted all the parts inside the hull except for the rear gunwale seats which will be cut to size when the rest are glued in position. I don't know if I'm making the windlass yet.
  16. I cut all the seats to size for snug fits and stored them in a cup for later installation. I started building the floor grates for the longboat. BTW the actual seats are narrower then the paper forms I made.
  17. I've made rough sized templates for the seats. When I cut the wood, I can fine tune the shape to conform with the hull by sanding.
  18. I'm prepping so I can install the seats. I've glued on the seat supports and cut stiff paper into strips the width of the seats. I will use these paper strips to size each seat out of wood. I am not going to glue any of this stuff down until I stain or paint the inside of the hull.
  19. I fabricated the floor boards as one piece so I can remove them when I stain or paint the inside of the hull. There's a sliver of a construction piece in the stern holding them all together. I'll remove that when it's finally installed.
  20. By the way, I've soaked and pre-bent all the ribs before gluing them to the hull. And, yes, this is quite a project for a small item
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