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Everything posted by HIPEXEC

  1. Fighting top rails complete. The tops are just resting on the un-stepped masts. I'll glue on the tops next
  2. Fighting tops repaired and new holes drilled with no trouble. I used wood from my stash that is very good quality. I noticed on Jesse Lee's Syren he doubled up the trim where the rails go. I'm going to double mine up also.
  3. The fighting top rims splintered while drilling the holes for the deadeyes. I will now rebuild the damaged rims.
  4. I glued on the rims to the fighting tops. Next will be to glue on the battens. The cross trees are ready to recieve the fighting tops now.
  5. I finished planking the fighting tops. Now the planks just have to be trimmed. For that I use a straight edge nail clipper. It does a nice job for very thin planks.
  6. Starting to glue the cross trees. While doing that my big indelicate hands knocked the bowsprit loose! Easy fix though.
  7. I'm dry fitting the cross trees and trestle trees. These parts are very delicate pre-cuts and I broke one piece. The kit thoughtfully provides an extra piece for each since they knew the parts are very delicate.
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