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Everything posted by HIPEXEC

  1. All these angles drive my eyes crazy so I put a bubble on the newly leveled top. Looks good to the bubble
  2. I gave the glue one last shot. I wrapped the area with paper towels and soaked the area with just plain water overnite. Guess what? It worked! I leveled the fighting top. here's the glue I used. It's PVA. Alcohol didn't budge it. Oh well..what ever works.
  3. I'm putting trying to level the main top on hold. I can't get the glue to budge. Now I have no choice but to start my cannon factory....ugh!
  4. JesseLee I can't seem to budge the glue on that crooked fighting top. I tried alcohol and then plain water? That was after a three hour soaking with alcohol. Maybe I have to drown the top.
  5. Both masts stepped. I screwed up way back and now I can see the main fighting top should have been tipped forward so it is level in the raked position. I probably didn't read the fine print. Oh well
  6. I've stained and glued the topgallant lasts in place. Next I will start the tedious job of stepping both masts.
  7. This post is for you, Frank. I've just re-sandpapered the sanding stick you gave me all those years ago. I can't live without it. I use it at every stage of the build. Thanks
  8. Just re-opened my shipyard. I fabricated and dry fitted both topgallant masts. The bottom of the masts are square. I don't know why they had to do that since they could have easily lasercut both holes round in the caps.
  9. My shipyard will be closed a few days while the painters spruce the place up.
  10. Glued the new crosstrees and topmast. I looked ahead and the topgallant mast looks like a very long toothpick. I don't think there's enough meat to even taper it a little bit
  11. Here's all the fixin's for the top masts. They have to be assembled, glued and stained.
  12. Top cross trees all set to be cleaned up and assembled. Making new ones was less than 30 minutes with no trouble drilling holes.
  13. I'm making my own crosstrees out of good stock. It took me a little more than a minute to rough shape one and 30 seconds to drill the holes. I'll clean them up with some fine sanding and I'll be ready to proceed.
  14. I give up with this junk wood. I drilled four beautiful holes only to have them crumble after all the drilling was done. I made my own cross trees on my Connie by bending some good wood and drilling the pieces with no trouble at all. So much for the laser cut junk wood. All they had to do was pop some holes with the laser and that probably would have worked.
  15. I don't know where thanksgiving came from but I was using my Iphone and it guess words for you???
  16. Here we go again! The instructions say to drill the small rigging holes in the pre-cut top cross trees before removing them from the laser-cut sheet. Guess what? I gently took the smallest drill bit I had that would make a tiny hole for the rigging...and the cross tree split after two turns (gently)! I'll figure out how the rig them another way.
  17. Both top masts have been tapered on my "lathe" and dry fitted to the tops. The caps have also been dry fitted while I figure out how to put this whole puzzle together.
  18. I set up my poor man's lathe so I can taper the top masts. I also glued on a stop under the fighting tops to support them and will also make a Fid to properly set the main and fore top masts.
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