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Everything posted by Twokidsnosleep

  1. I am starting my first build thread on here so thought I would post up my résumé so to speak This is my other online home and my portfolio of builds https://intscalemodeller.com/viewtopic.php?f=69&t=15726 🥃Scott
  2. Another Black Pearl build thrown into the ring🙄 I know there are quite a few and I have read the posts I could find. I stand on the shoulder of giants as the saying goes as I get the benefit of seeing others make these kits. This is my first ship build and I am a newby here so I appreciate any help and direction. Apologies if my ship anatomy is incorrect. I have started the kit pre Covid and then stopped. so here we go
  3. Wow, what an amazing build. You have done some fantastic modifications I am at the staircase mods on my Zvezda kit. You have been a great resource and inspiration I will try to get a build thread up of mine over the weekend
  4. Thank you I will show some progress when I am back on it. It is trivial compared to the beautiful wooden ships on here that blow me away, but we all start somewhere I suppose🤔
  5. Ahh right. I will fix that. Scott will do
  6. Wow what an amazing site. Good forum topics, nice bunch of members, some sound advice and amazing modelling. After searching for Black Pearl references for a project, I drunkenly stumbled into this bar. Have been lurking for a month or so now. Have modelled my entire life a wide range of topics but mostly cars and planes and am headed into shipbuilding. I do a lot of detail and scratch work and have started 3D printing too. Do woodwork, leatherwork, laser etching, 3D printing and soon metal lathe work….certainly have a tool fetish and far too large of a model kit stash. I have ordered the mini disk sander everyone recommends here from Model Machines Current floaty projects include: 1/72 plastic Black Pearl with some mods and dear Jack 3D printed A Budweiser Hydroplane kit And am trying to clear my project line up to get started on the Blue Nose, likely next year ya, so that’s me🙂
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