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Everything posted by Twokidsnosleep

  1. Oh no. Don’t panic you have not ruined everything. they don’t look that bad. Leave them a day and re-group Then: test the alcohol wipe on one test sanding the end grain a bit on another You will find a way to make it work…won’t the ropes cover most of the end grain areas anyways?? Hilarious as I was thinking about using my Fiebings USMC black on the deadeyes I made…maybe I will test drive ONE maybe a bit of a dip in pre stain evener first 🤔 There is an old saying: if you cannot be a good example, be a terrible warning 😊
  2. Alright, my goal this Victoria Day long weekend was to finish the brass work for all three masts done!…,wasn’t easy, some burns, some screw ups, some swearing and some back to starting boards Everything is still loose here and not in final positions or perfect alignments All three attach to their respective mast differently. I would love to say this was on purpose to avoid confusion, but it is truly just poor planning on my part. ‘I have kept the plastic masts as back up I suppose. It is easier to create something when you have the real thing to copy from This sucker is going to be hard to work on and photograph as I get all the masts and such on. Largest kit I have built so far, other than a Space shuttle and her launch pad…that was TALL!
  3. If you haven’t seen this before, Jay Leno takes an old Alfa out for a blast in California It looks like it would be so much fun!
  4. Oh wow such a great car, congratulations on the purchase, especially if you got a bit of a deal as these go over $1000CAD easily This enters into a bit of a large scale model car obsession area of mine…. I have, ahem, a few cars at this scale and make of kit. Some parts messes, some full kits, one partly started and two finished but needing refurbishing This was my last 1/8 car purchased a couple Christmases ago…a bargain for a weathered old beauty and then there are a few others😉😊 Monza Bugatti Testarossa F40 Non Pocher 1/8 cars: A few Jag E Types and a Corvette Stingray round out the 1/8 scale stuff Yes, I am actually insane. But hard to turn down a bargain when it presents itself. I got these all before prices zoomed skywards. Would love a Pocher Mercedes and the Porsche911, but the prices are not appropriate anymore. Ya, so that’s me
  5. Not very exciting lately. Just making more brass holes and squares for the masts. Lucky to find I had a square jeweller's file handy These are for the foremast which is almost done. Then the mainmast and I am ready to rig
  6. This is fantastic work. The cabins will be excellent How about a globe, did they have those at this period???
  7. I am away from my modelling desk travelling so some downtime to research Looking at OC’s build and how he replaced some of the smaller mast parts and spars with wood🤔 So do I worry about the styrene mast parts supporting the rigging tension or do I replace them now with wood or brass? Have learned the hard way that styrene plastic may let you down. This motorcycle’s main fork tube was left styrene ( green) and it broke well after full assembly😱 I had to jiggy-Jack telescoping brass tubes into there to get around the electrical, brake and clutch wiring to reinforce it all and get the forks back on. Would have been way easier if I did that at the start. I think I am answering my own question with the plastic mast parts and the rigging😊
  8. I received some jolly roger flags to fly And found a good analogy for my burnt wood surface finish...Japanese Shou Sugi Ban Blackened but still brownish
  9. First time with all three masts on. Just the mizzenmast to de- and re-rope then stain Cat is life size scale. Not made by me🤪
  10. Oh fantastic work! We are cut from the same cloth doing mods to plastic kits 👍🏻 Following along for sure….now I have finally found how to maneuver around here better Cheers!
  11. More whipping of the main mast parts. Using a little thread zapper to heat the ends I have from leatherwork. Simple little tool that helps quickly prevent thread unravelling
  12. Starting the main mast. Using telescoping brass rod and tubes for internal strength and solid connections The foremast and its’ rope wrappings got a coat of the black oil wash that brings the black into the Black Pearl
  13. I learned about “whipping” a rope today from a YouTube video and have used it on the mid foremast wrappings. A loop is made with a tail lain along your mast. You wrap around this from the bottom up, threading through the loop at the top. Then pull the bottom tail and it tightens the loop down under your wrappings. Trim top and bottom threads off. All of these rope wraps have zero glue on them. Zero. This has the tell tale pull down ‘v’ at the top that matches my research picture in the previous post. Paint touched up and test installed with the rest of the foremast Masts make a ship pretty darn tall pretty darn quick
  14. Oh wow This is how masterpieces are made Will spend some time and read and follow along, hopefully learn something
  15. I took them off Then added them back I used the tan 0.7mm Ropes Of Scale as I am saving the black for rigging. I can weather this up and easily darken them Not bad result, looks cool especially in the contrast colours A research pic shows unevenness and really worn rope, so some realism in my imperfections
  16. What a most thorough and excellent answer SHJ This is why I joined here, just great advice on this site so far I am a woodworker so clearly understand your lesson. I was worried I was missing that this wrapping tied into the rigging somehow, but could not see that on any of the research pics so far. So your answers absolutely makes sense and I thank you a ton 👍🏻😎
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