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Lucius Molchany

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Everything posted by Lucius Molchany

  1. Made a RTV mold of the cannon master and resin cast copies.Primered and painted them Testor's Gun metal and epoxied them in.
  2. The balsa ship's boat is really well carved.i decided to plank it up.Looks good!
  3. I am thinking of buying this kit after the hull of the Ersatzia is completed.Looks like a nice kit!.
  4. Thinking of getting the Artesania Latina HMS Hermione frigate.Any one have this kit and if it is worthwhile?
  5. Scratch -built the master for the deck cannon.not as easy as it looks!
  6. Made the upper gun port "fruit loops".Not easy.first I had to put a piece of red oak in the vise,then I had the drill the inside hole,then cut the piece out with the coping saw and bevel the 4 edges with the block plane.Next I cut thin sections and then used a circle template to mark the diameter of the circles.Used a sanding drum in the Dremel to conform to the markings.Glued them on stained them.If I had a small lathe I could cut out many steps!I wish Dremel would make a lathe attachment w/tailstock!
  7. Yeah bill !Looks pretty good for something you considered junk!
  8. yes it is the Square Bottle Gold enamel!BTW,the flame is unprimed red oak with only 2 coats on it!
  9. Made and installed the cat heads.I had to get out the Drill press for the Dremel and a micro bit to cut the 3 slots.Not perfect but acceptable.
  10. I used the square bottle Testor's gold on my unprimed red oak gallery and the results are most impressive!Note the reflection on the wooden"flame"!
  11. Yes you plug them into the recess in the hull.In this case I boxed in the opening so that the cannon could be securely mounted .
  12. Carved and painted the rear gallery.Wow!How baroque can you get?The old Testor's square bottle gold really produces a nice finish!The large "golden Flame" was a nice touch on my part.
  13. On my ersatzia project,I used brass wire that I superglued to the back of the window openings.Then I backed it with some blue celluloid from an old folder that I secured with epoxy.came out great!
  14. Epoxied 1/16" square tubing into the bulkheads and bent 1/32"brass wire to make the gun port lids removable.Not a bad solution !
  15. Carved the figurehead.It was supposed to be an eagle but looks more like a parrot.so be it!
  16. Yes!it is hard to believe it is his first build!Naz has mad skills!
  17. Decided to go with a barber pole motif over the blue.I don't know dudes,it is a bit over the top Phil must ruminate on it a while.I can always tone it down if I choose.One positive is that is is absolutely unique and will not be mistaken for any other ship!
  18. I made the prototype/master of the hull cannon out of brass tubing.I have to order a resin casting kit to make a RTV mold and cast multiple copies.
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