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French Mr Bean

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Everything posted by French Mr Bean

  1. Hello Ed, I received the 2 volumes of La Naiade a week ago. Fabulous !! I study the plans with the help of your post on this forum and the achievements of other modellers. It's a great challenge to want to run this model. I have two questions for today: éléments of stem: 20 to 15"- éléments of knee of the head: 13.5" ? At the junction, it creates a gap. Is there a reason for that? On the cross sections of the frame, there are 2 vertical lines on each side of the keel. What do they represent? Thank you ( sorry for my and google english...🙄 )
  2. A nice job resulting from reflection and patience. Best wishes ! I'm going to start the Naiad and these build logs will come in handy. As we say in France: "Doing and undoing, that's how we learn" 😀
  3. Books received today!! A wonder. The photos, plans, texts, book production, everything is fabulous! To do: Ask a pc translator to help me (my poor English has already understood things...) and study the plans. A big congratulations to the author, the publisher, and the delivery conditions (well packaged, 1 week to come to France) I got my Christmas present early! 🤣
  4. Hi Bitao, I just received the 2 volumes!! In volume 2, on the page 319 ( bottom picture) we can clearly see the " L ". 🙂
  5. When I look at the photos, a question comes to me: "Where is the dust?" 🤣
  6. It would be nice to put small handles on the doors. 🙂
  7. Hi, An L would be awkward for scale output. 🤔
  8. It's a nice ship, good luck for build. 😉
  9. We don't always get what we want. ( and that's better.... 😉 )
  10. I ordered the Naiade volumes yesterday! I hope UPS will be fast... 🤣
  11. Hello Bitao, I ordered the Naiade books last night. I just read your thread carefully and I bookmarked it on my pc! As much for the text as for the images and the philosophical side to adopt to model this journal is extraordinary. Good continuation on your model. 😉
  12. 66-year-old Frenchman, I have a lot of time to devote myself to naval modeling 😊. I come to this pleasant site to admire the models of the members and to have help when I have started my model (I don't know for the moment which one ..... )
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