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  1. In the meantime; take a look-see at the butchery I did in the bow deck area! Ripped out a lot of work and rebuilt using Woodys parts. Beautiful fit and I’m quite happy with the results. Took some artistic liberty with the figureheads in particular. A lot of hours in this I must say, but I feel it’s worth it! IMG_2385.mov
  2. So my goal for this week is to go from what’s in these pictures… a 90% completed launch, a 40% completed cutter and two unstarted boats… to 4 complete boats. should be very manageable with a bit of planning and a little time
  3. So these pictures bring us up to about January 2024. some of the eagle eyed among you will see that I’ve kind of abused the historical accuracy of the build in favour of making some scratch build pieces (eg the steps up to poop deck) and my own take on a paint scheme, and I've also pulled off a lot of the bow structure to rebuild using aftermarket parts from woodys model. works. I’ve also done this at the stern. going to take some really good photos of where it’s at now and will post that over the next few days and then post every week or so with progress updates! Hope this helps anyone who’s starting out with this and, as always, if you see me going alarmingly wrong… please do tell me!!!
  4. This soul destroying process took me up to October 2022! Almost three years due, mostly, to utter tedium coupled with the fact we had a child and I went back to University to do a Masters! But, I digress… I’ve included a pic of when I originally turned it up right at long last and installed the masts for show! Quite happy with these overall, and find the progress more satisfying when you can do “small” items in a 2-3 hour session rather than someone coming back 2 weeks later and saying “you haven’t got much done since I visited” when in fact I’d done over 600 copper tiles and had progressed by ten rows on one of my best fortnights work at the tiling!! also discovered John Builds on YouTube, and Woodys model works during this period and did some forward planning based on what I was hoping the finished product to look like!
  5. Planking complete, painting and decked on 22nd Aug 2019! Built a number of masts, yards, small boats, And various other accoutrements which couldn’t be attached because I then took the very regrettable decision to copper tile the hull.
  6. Attached are various progress pics of the planking of the hull. A tedious task and photos here stretching right through 2017. Realised around this point through various forums/reviews/youtube that this model wasn’t particularly accurate. As my degree (and now my career) involve a great deal of research, I tend to not do that in things I enjoy and build things in blissful ignorance. In this instance however, I knew the workload was going to be immense, so wanted that to be reflected in the final model. A great deal of research was carried out to find replacement parts and supplies to “upgrade” some of the detail, but choices had to be made with deference to budget… and what my partner/family would put up with!
  7. Hello all… I’ve been working on this since about 2016. Purchased the very basic start of a build off an acquaintance, who had bought the part works issues from DeAgostini/ModelSpace and quickly realised (i.e. his wife had twins!) that he wouldn’t have time for it. How I wish that I had a similarly good reason to decline his offer! In the course of finishing university, finding jobs and moving house a few times… I found myself without a good place (or the time) to make steady progress! I’ve finally got the ship set up with a view to finishing it in next couple of months! The picture attached to this post is what I received in 2016 (minus the planking above the waterline) along with a large stack of boxes. I can only find about 60 odd pictures to date of my build process, but I now live with a “fascinated” photographer who intends to take 100’s as I progress. I will make a couple of posts on this topic to bring you all up to speed on where I’m at and will then have weekly updates as I continue towards completion! Cheers all.
  8. Hi, Beautiful work! While I don't intend on making my own ropes (except for maybe some of the larger stays); I have taken a number of points of inspiration from your work. I'm almost finished the woodwork on this build so I'm looking forward to getting stuck into the rigging. If I may, where did you procure the little hooks at the top of your futtock shrouds? I'd very much like to incorporate something similar in my own build Thanks, Brian
  9. Dia is Muire daoibh! Good to be here. Will start a build diary with photos I have from the past couple of years of the Victory build. While I'm on the subject; does anyone know how to get evostick glue stains off copper tiles? Worth asking! The Trumpeter 1/350 Nimitz has just arrived so we'll get started on that soon. It is ENORMOUS! Brian
  10. Hi there everybody, Have migrated to model ships from the plastic aircraft world with approximately 20 years of experience. Along with some interesting WW2 topics, I became more interested in modern military and commercial items. In recent years, I became tired of 'vast expanses of grey or white' color schemes so I purchase two ship builds. a 1/720 USS Enterprise and a 1/72 Gato class sub which definitely eased the 'vast expanse of grey' issue I was having. Seeking still a greater challenge, I made a small wooden kit, which unfortunately has since succumbed to sharing a house with a three year old. Having learned from building a small sailing boat, I purchased a 1/84 scale HMS Victory, which I estimate is 60-70% complete ( I will post this build at some point as I have extensive photographs of it. Currently on the shelf and next in line for victimization is the Trumpeter 1/350 USS Nimitz which I intend to go detail crazy on especially in hangar bay and the island. It will also be my first attempt at lighting a model ship (though I have done several aircraft so I should be able to transfer some of that knowledge). Wish me luck! Looking forward to seeing more of your work; I have to say I'm highly impressed by what I've seen on this forum so far! Brian, Ireland
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